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September 23, 2022


It's been another busy week for me. We just hung around our place all week getting ready for the fall weather and watching all the waterfowl, mostly pelicans and larger-than-average gulls.

Crabs We went to dinner at Kahrs' on Saturday night. Their son and family were up from California visiting and we hadn't seen them for awhile. Devin and a friend of his borrowed our outboard and went crabbing. Boy did they get the crabs - 55 of them! So we ate crab and hamburgers for dinner! They had so many crabs that they gave us a couple of bags full, so I have spent some time cracking crab this week. I ended up giving some of it away because we couldn't eat all of it.

Jan Dave and I decided to tackle the boat barn by getting it cleaned up and putting things away so we could store the steamboat for the winter. Stuff seems to gather around objects in the barn and it had and, although the boat gets taken out regularly, the stuff that had accumulated around it had grown roots! So, it was time to take on that little project. It took us a few days, as both of us can only do so much before we get tired but it is looking a whole lot better.

We are taking a road trip next week. On Saturday evening, my high school class is having our 60+2 year reunion in Forest Grove. I know, Hillsboro and F.G. were fierce competitors in our high school days and we wouldn't be caught dead in that town. But, we've all mellowed and so Forest Grove it is. We couldn't do the reunion a couple of years ago because of Covid.

After the reunion, we will spend the night with our daughter Lara in West Linn and then spend Sunday night with our other daughter, Leslie, in West Salem. Monday, we drive east to Redmond to visit with some dear friends, George and Margie. He is a blacksmith and he is going to get Dave some practice on updating his welding skills. It has been several years since he has done any welding and the technology has passed him by! We will stay in Central Oregon for a couple of days before we head north to Pasco, Washington. We're going to pick up a small trailer that Dave bought to transport the golf cart. But the trailer doesn't have any tires (he got it cheap), so we will have to buy tires for it before we tow it back home. We might get lucky, because George thinks he has some tires that will work. If so, we'll get those and take them up to Washington. I hope it works out that way, because two tires would cost more than the trailer did! Anyway, we will spend the night in Pasco before heading back to Wheeler. So we plan on being gone most of next week on our trip. It's going to be about 750 miles, so wish us luck! I should be back in town in time to get next week's Journal ready to post for you.

Well, that's this week and our plans for next week. I will hopefully have some pictures of our trip. Take care!

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