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February 25, 2022


Burr!! It's been really chilly down our way with overnight temperatures down in the 20's. Some of my plants did not like that very much and they looked a little weathered. Our fountain - that we usually turn off in the winter - was frozen so we will have to see how that turns out once it thaws. It did make a real pretty ice sculpture, though! We even woke up on Thursday with a little snow on the ground!

Jan We made a trip into the valley on Thursday. My high school class had our monthly luncheon. There was quite a bunch this month, considering the weather. Of course, we have to drive the farthest and it was a little frozen going over the Coast Range, but the road crews were out, got it sanded and sprayed and we didn't have any trouble, even on Highway 53! We seldom make the trip with only one driver. We switch out the driving duties every hour or so. This photo was taken as I took the wheel when we got a few flakes at the edge of Hillsboro. You have to look closely, but those are snowflakes outside the window! While we were in town, we met up with Lara to give her our "pet taxi" for her cat and dog. It is small enough for them and it's just been gathering dust here, so we're glad to see it get some use. We also stopped at the hobby store to pick up more train tracks for Dave's model train project. I haven't talked much about that, but as soon as he gets it in place, I'll have some pictures.

Monday was a holiday, but we didn't do much. There was a lot of traffic on the road and that is always the case when there is a three-day weekend. It's still too cold to do much of anything out in the yard, so I stayed inside all day. Dave is on the Board of Directors with the local historical society and he had to go to Manzanita for their monthly meeting. But that's about it.

Dave has been working on his projects, between the train, the boat modeling project and getting his podcast together, he keeps himself pretty busy. Last Friday was another Chemotherapy treatment for him, so he has been a little under the weather; nauseous and rundown, but otherwise he is hanging in there and having all the those projects keeps his mind busy.

I am doing great and going to my aerobics classes as often as I can. Sometimes I overdo it and I am sore the next day, but I do feel stronger. I am trying to wean myself off the cane too. I think I said that same thing last week, but I AM still trying!

First thing this morning, Dave has physical therapy scheduled here at the house. I'm just going to tease you with that one, because it's a bit unusual. We have a goal in mind as part of this treatment, and if it all comes together, we will talk more about it then. Meanwhile, it's going to remain a mystery!

Well, that's about all the news this way. Take care.