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February 11, 2022


Not much happening down our way. We have been just hanging out at home.

Our weather has been very nice for February with sunny days and chilly nights. The temp has been in the high 50's to low 60's during the day and a lot of my plants are starting to bud.

Dave and I both went to water aerobics on Monday. Dave likes the instructor on Monday so he only goes then. The other two days of the week we have someone else and she is not as experienced and does different exercises. For instance, on Wednesday when I went by myself, she had us using foam "noodles" and I swear she must stay up at night coming up with new ways to use them! I am usually sore the next day. But it helps with my knee and I enjoy the group and being in the water.

I was supposed to have had my haircut on Tuesday but my hairdresser called me and she sounded awful. She had been exposed to Omicron and had to cancel my appointment. Dang! I really need to get my haircut and she said she would call me once she gets back to the shop. I hope it's soon.

Jake's Van Our granddaughter, Jadyn who graduated from high school last year, has had her mind set on getting a "van" so she can do some traveling. I was a little concerned of her taking off by herself and traveling around. Anyway, she has been looking for quite some time and has finally found a van that looks like it isn't a piece of junk and is hopefully reliable. It's a 20-year old Ford. It reminds me of when I was younger and all those hippies ran around in Volkswagen vans. Is that phase coming back? I am concerned though and hopefully she will have a big dog with her as a passenger. She has a pretty good head on her shoulders, but I still am concerned.

Well, the big Super Bowl is this Sunday and neither of the teams that are playing are a team that I would root for, so I probably won't be watching. The commercials were always my favorite anyway. Dave says to support Cincinatti, because no matter what sport we're talking about, his motto is, "Anyone but LA". So I guess it's the Bengals.

Dave has been feeling a lot more human now that we got his meds worked out. He is in this Cancer Group via Zoom which he had his first session this week. There are about six participants. He isn't all that crazy about it and doesn't feel this is for him, but he said he will stick in out for awhile. He is in a lot better mood anyway.

Well, that's what is happening our way. I hope all is well and take care.

I'm going to do what I did a couple of weeks ago when I was late posting the Journal - I'm going to repeat last week's entry here just in case you missed it when it wasn't posted until Saturday night.

February 4, 2022


Happy February, Ground Hog's Day and Valentine's Day! The new month is here and spring is just around the corner. I have all kinds of plants awakening and I hope they aren't too early and we get a freeze.

Greg Peanut’ We had a very nice weekend with my ex-son-in-law and youngest granddaughter coming down and cleaning up most of the debris in the yard. What a mess! With all the storms we have had this winter, there were wet leaves, small branches and pruning to do. It took them one and a half days to get most of it. It looks so much nicer now. There is more pruning to do but I want to wait until the rhodies and azaleas are through blooming first. I hope by then, I will be able to do a lot of the stuff myself.

Because it was Jordyn's birthday (on the 1st) we took her and her dad out for dinner to celebrate on Saturday night. I couldn't find any birthday cakes around in any of the stores so I had to settle for Red Velvet cupcakes which were just as good.

Dishwasher’ I got my dishwasher replaced this week. It hasn't been cleaning the dishes very well and I would have to be sure I had all the food off them and rinsed before I put them in the dishwasher. I don't mind doing that but I hate to dry them. Anyway I finally got a repairman in last week and the news wasn't good. The motor had failed But the good news was that he had a white dishwasher that had come in and it hadn't been claimed by anyone yet,so I took it. Now, if I could have the same luck finding a "white" refrigerator! My refrigerator works except for the ice maker and we had to shut the water off that because it leaked water all over the floor. The problem is that they aren't making white refrigerators anymore. Everything is stainless steel or black! Well, I want a white one!!

My knee is getting better and I am about ready to throw away the cane. I am always leaving it somewhere and then I have to retrace my steps to find it.I got my release from PT this week and so now I hope I am done with that. I still can't balance myself with one foot, but I never could.

Dave has his good days and then not so good days. He had his third chemo treatment last Friday and so far the only problem is he has nausea and not much of an appetite and he gets a little dizzy at night when he tries to stand up.I mean "Falling down like a drunken sailor" dizzy. I plan on talking him to the doctor about that. He will start a group session via Zoom with people who are also experiencing depression from their cancer. He has also started talked to the VA about getting a "chair lift" for the stairs, as it is difficult to go up and down those steep stairs and with his dizziness, we are worried that he will fall. But other than that, life goes on and we live one day at a time.

That's all our news, hope all is well your way!