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October 22, 2021


Tree The weather has certainly changed to fall with all the color in the trees and the lower temperatures at night. I managed to get my gardens to bed, both the one here at the house and the one up at the Community Garden. I also cut back the stocks and dead leaves on my day lilies, just in time for more rain and winds. Now I have a yard full of leaves to take care of!

It's been a busy week with a doctor appointments to discuss my knee surgery and we also had to attend an orientation on my knee replacement yesterday. That was a 2-1/2 hour session at the hospital. I also had to have my blood drawn for several tests and an x-ray of my knee. So I guess I am good to go on November 8th.

Wednesday was Lara's birthday. Dave had gotten all of us together virtually and he made a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She loved it! We plan on taking Lara to lunch at the Chart House today. After lunch, we will go up the street from the restaurant to the VA for Dave's final infusion. Then, after he recovers from that in a couple of weeks, he will go back for the main part of the treatment in this study series. It seems like it never ends.

Collage I got my carpets cleaned on Wednesday. What a job, moving all our furniture around so the carpets could be cleaned. I haven't had them cleaned for quite awhile and they really needed it. We had most of the rooms cleaned and the carpets look so much brighter and cleaner now. We also took on the job of removing all the knick-knacks from top of my kitchen cabinets. They needed to be washed because of the film of cooking oil that gets on them. It feels good to get these things cleaned up. It was hard going up and down the ladder taking things down and then putting them back but Dave helped me. Now I know why I only do that job once a year! And before my daughters come down on me too hard, I used the platform ladder which allows me a lot of room to work without danger.

I am trying to get my "to-do" list cleaned up so that after my surgery, I won't be frustrated when I have to sit around looking at what I should have done. Leslie is planning to come down for a few days and I have a house cleaner lined up to help me too. Of course, Dave will do what he can do as well, so I think I'm in pretty good shape.

Well, that's all for this week. Hope all is well your way and you are staying healthy.