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July 9, 2021


We had a great 4th of July weekend!


We started out on Friday going to First Friday Scones at the North County Recreation District. A bunch of us meet once a month to chit chat and eat freshly baked scones with our coffee. Now that some of the Covid restrictions have been removed, we don't have to wear our masks or sit 6 feet apart. It makes it a lot easier to hear and understand while carrying on a conversation. Slowly, but surely, we're getting back to "normal", whatever that is.


Lara and her girls arrived Saturday night to spend the holiday weekend with us. A couple of years ago, we bought new decorations to put on the boat in the parade, but since there's no parade, we had to find another use for them. The girls helped us put up the bunting around the deck where it fit just fine. After the weekend, we then had to turn around and take it all back down but it came down a lot easier than it went up.


Lara was a big help working on finishing up the deck. Since we couldn't get matching cedar deck to complete the project, Dave had to buy some larger material and shave it down to the same size as the rest of the deck. Since Dave can't get down to fasten it in place, Lara did it for him. It's another one of those things that she has never done before, but she wanted to help her father because it's so hard for him to get down to that level to do it himself. It really turned out nice and we have had a lot of compliments.


It was an unusual 4th of July this year as we didn't have a parade, no fireworks or no annual breakfast. So there wasn't much going on. We did have our traditional menu; Dave barbecued hamburgers, we had potato salad and watermelon, so that helped. We just finished up with all the leftovers this week.

The rest of this week has been pretty quiet, we had a little rain on Wednesday which we needed but the rest of the week it has been overcast in the mornings with clearing by afternoon. It was very refreshing to have cooler weather.

Take care.