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March 19, 2021


What a crazy week! On Sunday, Daylight Saving Time started so, like most everyone, we had to move all our clocks forward one hour. All week, I have been a day and an hour behind! I look at the clock and can't believe it's that time already!


Dave went into the boat barn on Tuesday and saw this terrible mess by the garage door. All of the foam installation had been shredded! He called me in to look at it and when I got in there, I could hear this MEOW and found our cat, Jerry, hunkered down in the bow of the steamboat! He got locked in the day before and he was really freaking out! We tried to coax him out but he wanted nothing to do with us! So, we opened the garage door thinking that would do and just about that time, along came Sofia, the cat next door. She had heard all the noise and was investigating. She went into the boat and was softly talking to Jerry and before we knew it, she got him to come out. What a sweetie! Anyway we thought that our cat, who is feral, would never be seen again after that experience but a few minutes later he was outside our doorway, looking for a meal. I guess he won't venture into the boat barn again!


Besides the cat freaking out, Tuesday was a terrible day for me. I decided to do some yard work and was working alongside the driveway. I stumbled and fell on my front side and landed on my lower arms! I sat there for awhile and checked myself for any broken bones and decided and I needed to get off the ground. Well, that was a problem as my knees are wasted with arthritis and it's hard for me to get up by myself. Of course, Dave was in the shop making noise and he couldn't hear me. So I scooted on my rear end over to something I could use to hoist myself up. By the time I finally got myself upright again, I figured that was enough yard work for the time being. But wait, there's more! That wasn't the end of it. Later on, while I was fixing dinner, I was emptying my dishwasher and tripped over the open door on the dishwasher! I landed on the kitchen floor on my knees. This time, I broke a big Corningware dish that I had in my hands. My right knee was so sore from falling on it that I just laid there for awhile. When I didn't want to get up for a while, Dave called 911 and within minutes, the police, the paramedics from the fire station and an ambulance arrived. They picked me up off the floor, put me on a gurney and took me to the Emergency Room in Tillamook. After x-rays on my knee and some blood work, all is fine and I got to come home that evening. I don't know what my problem was that day but I sure did a number on myself. I have been taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep the pain and swelling down and I have also been icing my knee. I have so many bumps and bruises that I feel like I have been through a knothole backwards!


Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you (a little late). My friend, Charlene made us some chocolate cupcakes laced with Bailey's Irish Cream and Guinness Stout. They were so good. I fixed my annual corn beef and cabbage for dinner and later that night, at 7:00 p.m., we made a toast to our dear "shirt-tail" cousin who passed away awhile back. Kay's daughter had organized this virtual toast to her mom and we lifted our glasses and thought of Kay.

May joy and peace surround you

Contentment latch your door

And happiness be with you now

And bless you forever more.

Kay was a sweetheart and loved talking about the Irish fairies. She once traveled to Ireland with her son and daughter-in-law and she never stopped talking about the great time she had. We miss you Kay.

Well, that's all the news our way. Stay safe and get your Covid shot as soon as you’re eligible!