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March 5, 2021


It looks like March came in like a lamb instead of a lion this week. We had a few nice weather days, but the rain came back on Thursday, so maybe March changed its mind.

Last Saturday, my daughter Lara and her three girls came down for the weekend. It was pretty much a relaxing weekend for them, although Dave was able to get the grandgirls to pitch in and help him figure out where things were going to go in his new "cave". A couple of hours of that and they were ready to come back in the house with their iPhones! It was so nice to see them as they have such busy schedules it is good when they can come for a visit.


On Monday, since it was sunny and nice, my friend Patricia and I got together and pruned and fertilized the roses in Waterfront Park. It was sort of a "spur of the moment" idea and I didn't have time to call everyone to see if the rest of crew wanted to help. But we had a work party on Wednesday, so a few of us got together and started weeding then. It was kind of "hit and miss" as far as the weather went this week and the ground was still a little muddy to be pulling weeds. I came home with very dirty gloves, so decided to gather up ALL my gloves and give them a good washing. I'm surprised some of the older ones didn't just disintegrate in the wash cycle!

I did feel ambitious enough to do a little weeding in my own flower beds. My sister Jeanne and her husband will be spending the weekend with us and I want the place to look half way decent. They are here to attend my sister Judy's memorial service. Bob will deliver the eulogy and after the service, we will come back to Wheeler to spend a couple of days at our place before they go back to Colorado the first of next week. I don't know if I had mentioned that my older sister, Judy died in February and her ashes are being placed at the Fir Lawn Cemetery in Hillsboro where my folks are. Judy had Alzheimer's and was in hospice, so we knew it was just a matter of time and we expected it. But I will miss her.

Jan, Peanut

We had a scary incident on Wednesday. Dave began having sharp pains in his chest early that morning and they seemed to be getting worse throughout the day. He finally came in the house at mid-afternoon and told me he felt he needed to do something even though he didn't think it was anything serious. So I drove him over to Urgent Care in Manzanita. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with him as his EKG and blood pressure were normal. But when he continued to experience the stabbing pain - even while he was in the doctor's office - they decided they didn't want to take any chances and sent him off in an ambulance to Tillamook. There, they ran more tests, including X-rays and a CT scan but nothing showed as anything but normal. So, anyway, he came home after a couple of hours. Since that time, his pain has been steadily diminishing and by Thursday he felt okay. He has been playing the "See, I told you it was nothing serious" card, but I know it is good to get these things checked out.

So that's what has been happening in our neighborhood. We go in next week for our second Covid vaccination and then I hope we are good to go.

Take care everyone and have a good week.