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December 13, 2019


It's also Friday the 13th, and I hope no one is superstitious!

With that said, how has my week gone? Well, the good news is that while I am still under the weather, I am getting better. The bad news however is that I passed this crud on to Dave and he has been sick all week. He ended up going to the doctor who gave him a prescription, but he was told not to start it until he gets worse. Huh? That certainly didn't make him feel any better.

IAWL House In spite of it all, I am slowly getting into the Christmas spirit. Last weekend, I attended a wonderful Christmas Concert put on by a local group of gifted singers and saw the play "It's a Wonderful Life" that Dave was in. I have some of my decorations up and have baked cookies. Fortunately, we were able to get most of the outdoor lights working before Dave got sick. We will be giving mostly gift certificates to everyone this year for Christmas. (Shhh, don't say anything and spoil the surprise)! It makes shopping a lot easier (one size fits all) and everyone gets what they want.

Our feral cat has been sneaking in the house at night to find a warm place to sleep. The problem is, Jerry wants the back door left open so he can escape when convenient. Well, I'm not going to leave the door open with the temps in the '30's, so we have this little argument between us. The door ends up closed and if he wants to stay inside all night, he has to deal with it. But then, if he does sleep indoors, he wants outside around 3:00 a.m. and so he wakes me up. So, I don't know who the winner is in this case. Pretty much a stand-off, I guess.

We have had a few days of pretty stormy weather here. The rain came down in buckets and the wind blew most of the leaves off the trees. So I have been hunkered down inside reading books and getting up early and going to my water aerobics class each day. Dave hasn't been going because he doesn't want to give this cold to anyone else. Besides, he doesn't have any energy and couldn't keep up anyway.

This is short and sweet this week - we didn't even take any pictures of our own!