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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

May 31, 2019




Here we are at the end of another month. Time is just flying by. This has been a hectic week. After coming home from my stint in West Linn "supervising" my granddaughters, I was greeted by a newly painted living/dining room. I love it! Things are so much brighter and it looks and feels more beach-y. It took us most of the week to get pictures back up on the wall. They're not all there yet, but we get a few more each day and they really help the look of the wall. Luis and his crew did a great job.


The Alexanders are really enjoying their new boat. They had left it at our place, knowing they were going to come back last weekend to use it again. So after crabbing all day Saturday in Tillamook Bay, Jason, Leslie and Paige came up and spent the night at our place. They caught about six crabs, so we cleaned and cooked them.
Crab Cakes

After cracking some crab, I put some on an English muffin and melted cheese for lunch. They were delicious. We were also surprised to see our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin drive in. She is finishing up her sophomore year at Western Oregon University and is working at Safeway as a checkout clerk. Oh, the stories she can tell! She works a lot of hours which helps with her rent, school and gas and we don't get to see her as much as we'd like. As soon as she finished up on Sunday, she jumped in the car and came down here. It was great that she could get away for a couple of days. Sunday, the whole gang was up at the crack of dawn to go fishing again. Dave went with them this time. They spent the first part of the day salmon fishing in the "Ghost Hole" on Tillamook Bay, but no one was catching anything that day. They moved to "Crab Harbor" an dropped the crab traps. They came back to Wheeler at lunch time and then I went along for a ride and to get the crab nets that they had left in the water . Not a lot of crabs that day but it was a nice day to be out in the water. Everybody left on Monday to get back to school and work.

Work Party

Work Party

It was a nice enough day on Tuesday so we had our work party down at Waterfront Park. It seems like a never-ending project; just as soon as we finish one section, it's time to start on the next. And so on. The park is looking good though and we get lots of complements from folks that are visiting our little town. That always makes us feel good that someone appreciates all our efforts.


I spent a couple of hours fighting the brush along our street. I try to keep it cleaned up a bit and since I was down last year with a broken ankle, things kind of took over. I barely scratched the surface and it is going to take me a while to get it under control again. Down here at the coast, bushes and weeds can get away from you if you don't keep on top of them.

While I am on the subject of brush, last week I worked in the brush again and I got a nasty rash on both of my arms. The doctor diagnosed it as poison oak and prescribed some ointment to help with the itching. It sure can be miserable and I hope it goes away soon. Meanwhile, I am wearing long sleeves when I am out working from now on.

That's about all the news my way, I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend. Summer is just around the corner!