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May 17, 2019


This wasn't the most exciting week to talk about, but here goes anyway.

Saturday was the Nehalem Bay Garden Sale and I helped with that. I worked in the "holding area" so I could sit down once and awhile. There were a lot of people and we were successful and made about $2,600 off our sales. We use this money for scholarships within the community to help with garden related projects.



On Mother's Day, we headed into West Linn to be with our family. The traffic was bumper-to-bumper both ways so that wasn't so fun. Lara fixed barbecue hamburgers with all the fixings and of course chocolate birthday cake to finish everything off. Leslie's birthday was Saturday and Jaysa celebrated her birthday on Mother's Day this year. Jason's birthday was on Monday and the three of them usually pose for a photo. Because of a family emergency, he wasn't able to join us this year, so we took the picture anyway. Maybe we'll Photoshop him in between Jaysa and Leslie! I was given two hanging flower baskets as gifts from my girls. After dinner, we headed back towards home to fight all the traffic again. It wasn't too bad going home and we made it just fine.

On Monday I had a doctor's appointment in Tillamook. I had a cortisone shot in my right knee this time. After looking at the x-rays the doctor saw all the arthritis and the patella being out of alignment she decided that the shot would help. It sure did too! I feel I can use that knee now as before I had no strength in the knee at all. Eventually, I will probably need to have a knee replacement, but I don't want to go there, not now anyway.

I had to drive back into Hillsboro on Tuesday as I had a dental appointment. I got an A+ on my checkup this time. I drove by myself as Dave had things to do. That was okay, as I usually do most of the driving when we are together anyway.

Between the rain showers this week, I have been trying to get caught up with my yard work. It's a never-ending process, especially when we get some rain - the weeds love it. By the time I make it around the house, it is time to start all over again! All the seeds I planted in my vegetable garden are sprouting, so that's encouraging.

All the sunshine that we had last week sure brought the tourists down to the coast, which makes it so frustrating for us locals. It will take me five minutes to get out on Highway 101 from our street; just waiting for the traffic to go by. And this is just May. It's not even summer yet. I guess that's what we get for living in paradise!