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February 1, 2019


Here it is the first of February already. Where does the time go?

Marta and Gene

We met up with Dave's cousin, Marta and her husband Gene on Friday night. We decided to meet for dinner at the "Offshore Grill" in Rockaway. We had heard a lot about this place and so we wanted to give it a try. The food was all organic and raised by locals and some of the things on the menu were things I had never heard of. I guess I should eat out more often! Anyway, I settled on a seafood salad which had shrimp, crab and smoked salmon. It was very good. Dave had a specialty hamburger that they prepare, which he enjoyed also. We had a nice visit with Marta and Gene who have moved down to Tierra Del Mar, which is near Pacific City.

We have had fantastic weather this week, although it has been chilly the sun has been shining and blue skies for most of the time. It gave me an opportunity to spend some time out in the yard and tackle some ivy that has been working its way up the trees. Also, the daffodils are almost ready to bloom so maybe it will be an early spring. I found out that the weather is going to change this weekend with either snow or rain in the forecast.

Dave has been ever so busy with the Steamboat. He is done with the piping for the propane/steam line and after opening all the valves and putting the torch to the burner, WHOOSH! He had the mother of all fires everywhere but he managed to grab a fire extinguisher to put it out! So, after solving the problem by tightening all the fittings, he tried it again. No fire anywhere but where it is suppose to go into the fire box. That was Wednesday. From the grumblings I have heard around the boat on Thursday, I think there was a setback. But this whole process of getting the boat ready for spring has been two steps forward - one step back. When I hear the toot, toot of the whistle, I will know it is safe again and it is working. If you like, you can follow his progress on the project at captainbell.com/2018-2019.html - although I'll warn you, have a lot of time set aside for reading because he does like to write!


This week, we went over to Manzanita and listened to a presentation on wildfires. We don't think about having a big forest fire down where we live by the ocean, but it does happen. A couple of years ago during the 4th of July weekend, there was a campfire on the beach that didn't get put out properly, and because it was so dry and the wind was blowing, the fire took off up the hill and caught some houses on fire. Luckily, they got the fires out in time before they did a lot of damage, but it can happen. We are surrounded on three sides by forest. Anyway, the talk was mainly about how we can prepare our home's surroundings to make it safer from a fire. It was interesting and we will follow through with some of the suggestions we heard in the talk.

Smiley Eggs

We generally have eggs for breakfast every morning so it can be a bit of a challenge trying to mix things up to keep it interesting. Every once in awhile, I fix Dave some poached eggs with hash browns. I call it "eggs in a nest", as I place the poached eggs on top of the hash browns and just to get his morning off to a good start, I make a smiley face with the bacon. It's one of his favorites.


Today is our youngest granddaughter's eleventh birthday. Jordyn is growing up way too fast but then she has two older sisters, so I guess there's a reason for that. That's her in this picture of Lara and the girls. She's the one in the middle with their dog, Bailey. Dave and I have to be in town next Tuesday, so Jordyn and I have a date for a pedicure, shopping and a trip to Red Robin.

Yesterday would have been Dave's Mom's birthday - Lillian would have been 104 years old! Believe me, if she hadn't had her accident that took her life when she was 89, I believe she would still be around, as she was so young for her age. We really do miss her.

Well, that's the happenings around here. Take care and have a good week.