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November 2, 2018


Good day and hi there! Suddenly, it's November and a blustery autumn day. It's time to enjoy a cozy cuppa and watch the leaves fall.

Jason and Leslie's kitchen

We had to run into the valley last Saturday as Jason wanted to borrow our flatbed trailer to haul new cabinets for their kitchen project. Jason also needed some electrical help as they have rearranged their floor plan in the kitchen and had to move some outlets around. The wood floors are in and the place is looking good! I helped Leslie with the dusting; as when you do these projects, the dust goes everywhere!



It was date night for me and my oldest granddaughter, Ashtin. I still owed her a dinner from her August 29th birthday. I usually take the girls to Red Robin, but she wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings this time and since I had never been there before, she was excited to show me around. The wings were a little spicy for me but we had a good time. Afterward, we went over to Cold Stone and had ice cream. Now, I am all caught up with birthday celebrations until February.


We spent the night at Leslie and Jason's and worked on the kitchen project a little more and then left around 2:30 to catch another granddaughter, Jaysa's final soccer game of the season. It was at Wilson High School in Portland. We got there a little early and while we were waiting in the car for the game to start, we were hit by a huge hail storm. I am sure glad we were under cover for that. Like most hailstorms around here, it didn't last very long and we were able to find our seats in the grandstand before the game started. During the game, it was a little cold but only a shower or two. There was a large dark funnel cloud above and we later found out it came down over on Marine Drive in Portland - about 10 miles from us. The game ended in a tie, 0-0, and Jaysa was bummed because she didn't score but she was so glad that we could make it. After the game, we stopped for a bite to eat and then headed back home.

On Tuesday, I got my teeth cleaned and then two crown preps after that. My dentist - whom I have gone to all my life (his father before him) - is in Hillsboro, so once again, it was late afternoon before we got home. I did learn one thing from that experience: if you're going to be in the dentist chair for a couple of hours, it's best not to let your husband kill the time at Home Depot. It could get expensive!

backsplash and counter samples

We made a trip to Seaside and Warrenton on Wednesday. I had to go to the kitchen countertop place and return all the samples I had borrowed and then make a decision on which countertop I wanted. I ended up with a nice soft yellow swirl with white and browns in it. It looks real nice against my dark walnut cabinets. I also decided on a tin splash guard for the area behind the stove. Now I just have to wait a few weeks to have it all installed. After the countertop place, we went to Warrenton and stopped at Costco to get a few things.

Halloween was a no-show at our place, except for one. I am sure glad I didn't buy a lot of candy! Taylor and his mom, Dawn Kahrs, dropped in and we had a nice visit before we called it a night at 12:30 a.m.! That is way past my bedtime and I was a little tired the next day. Taylor is ten now and it won't be long before trick or treating will be for the younger set. My two youngest granddaughters dressed up and made the rounds at their place. I miss all the little ghosts and goblins that we used to have.

Standard time goes into effect on Sunday so don't forget to turn your clocks back and get that extra hour of sleep.