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July 13, 2018


It's also Friday the 13th and I hope you have a "lucky" day!

My week has been peaceful since all the company has gone I kind of relaxed this week'.


However, we did have company this week. Our contractor, Luis and his band of Cubans were down to finish up with the church project. They had the North wall to finish and paint. We left that side of the church with the original shingles on and some of them had to be replaced. We also had them fill in the windows because it helped resist break-ins. They also painted the front doors to the church. It really looks great and we have gotten a lot of compliments. While they were here, we had them repaint the back door to the house. It has always been yellow, but it had faded.

While that was going on, another crew came and cut the Escalonia hedge and started clearing out some of the overgrowth by the road. It was getting so thick I couldn't see who was coming or going up our road. We now will be making yet another trip (or two) to the yard debris station when that is all done.

Jan, Terri

I also spent a couple of hours working in Waterfront Park this week. We are desperate for volunteers to help us. We are down to a couple of old ladies (me being one of them) and a gal with back problems. The city public works summer help quit, so we're on our own and the weeds and ivy are winning the battle!

My garden and flowers are looking good. We have been eating lettuce, peas and cucumbers so far. The beans are starting their upward climb and I can hardly wait for those to be ready.

Dave has been working on the steamboat trying to fix a few problems. When we put the boat in the Manzanita parade on Independence Day, he had some problems with the fuel delivery system for the boiler. After two small fires and one "used-up" fire extinguisher, he shut everything down for safety's sake and we finished the parade with limited steam. We tooted the whistle, just not as much as usual. Following the parade, he decided to take no chances and replace everything in that system and has been working at that since the 4th. I think he's about done, but I haven't heard a "test toot" on the whistle yet! He wants to take the boat to the steam meet in Toledo, Oregon the second week in August, but won't if he's still having problems.

Yesterday, we went into West Linn to finish the wall that Dave had started for Jordyn's bedroom. He needed a little more sheetrock and then he taped it and mudded it for Lara. She can finish the rest. The temperature was in the 90's and we were anxious to turn around and head back down to the coast. but the job took longer than we thought so we spent the night and came home today.

Ashtin returned from her trip to France and Spain on Tuesday. She had a great time but was glad to be home. We all missed her, especially over the 4th and it seemed strange not to have her here this year. She is busy working for the university and will be starting back to school as a Sophmore this fall.
Leslie applied for an administrative job at West Salem High School and got the job! She will start around the 23rd. This will be better for her as she was working at Silverton High School and it was a long drive from Salem each day. This new job is just minutes away from home. Paige transferred to West Salem last winter so they will once again be at the same place.

Well, there's nothing else to tell, so I hoping all is well at your end.