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March 23, 2018


Jan Well, here I sit with my broken ankle watching the world go by! My surgery on Monday went very well and now I have nine screws and a plate in my left ankle. The doctor said it was a clean break and I didn't tear any ligaments, just pulled them badly. I should be in a boot on the first of April, although that's just for balance when I'm standing. I cannot put any weight on my ankle until six weeks after the surgery. So, I'm pretty much confined to the house and the wheelchair until then.
Jan, Leslie Meanwhile it is at slug's pace and a wheelchair. If there's any good news in this it is that I'm getting pretty good with the wheelchair and can get around the house pretty well in it. The girls came down to help me, Leslie came Monday and spent the night and Lara was here on Tuesday and Wednesday, so they were a big help. We somehow forgot to get a photo of Lara. I am getting Dave domesticated and he has been a real savior around here. I know I couldn't have done it without them.

I did manage to keep my eye appointment last Friday with my splint on my leg. My vision has been blurry, especially if I read for a long time so I got some "Artificial Tears" to use and they seem to help. I also got a new lens prescription to get filled. I'm not sure just when I'm going to get back to Seaside to do that - soon I hope.

Jan with her cousins Saturday was my cousin's memorial service in Banks that we attended. My cousin had pancreatic cancer and had been in hospice since December. She was always so positive and cheerful in spite of her suffering and will be missed.

It is spring at last and I am enjoying the daffodils I planted last fall. I got the lawn guy to come get the grass mowed for the first time too. My Daphnia bush by the backdoor is blooming and it smells so sweet. One of my favorite flowers.

I said last week that it was looking like we were going to have to cancel our trip in May, but after getting a recovery schedule from the doctor and talking it over, we have decided that we're going to go after all. I'll be out of the boot and back in shoes (at least as much as I can wear shoes then) after six weeks. We leave in eight weeks. That will give me two weeks to get in shape to take the trip. Even though this is advertised as a "train trip", I'm sure there will be a lot of walking involved. I hope I can get myself whipped into shape before we leave.

I know this is short, but once I start getting around better I will have more to say. Meanwhile, I have my pain meds, the laptop computer, my Kindle book reader, the TV and two phones next to my chair. I also have a regular paperback book that I'm reading right now, so I'm pretty much set. I have had a little bit of "cabin fever", so I'm glad we will be getting out of the house to run a couple of errands later today.