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November 3, 2017


Maybe is it me but it sure like the time goes by too fast. Here it is November already.


Not a lot happening this week except working on the bathroom project. I have been staining the various woods that make up the medicine cabinet, the closet shelves and drawers. I have been spending a lot of time trying to stain the louvers on the medicine cabinet door and half the closet cabinet door. The closet cabinet door didn't turn out like I wanted it so I removed as much of the stain as I could with "Goof Off", then I re-sanded and finally it looks good. I was pretty high from the smell of the Goof Off by the time I finished. Since I had never stained before it took a while to get it where I liked it but it finally turned out acceptable.
When I haven't been staining and removing stain and the weather was nice, I got outside and finished raking up the leaves from the wind storm we had a couple of weekends ago. This is just the first raking; all the leaves from the trees have not fallen so I anticipate another rake job in my future.

ceiling before

ceiling after

Ray, our contractor, has been busy working our bathroom remodel. He has been working on a drawer and shelf unit to place what used to be the old closet. Yesterday, he spent the day covering up the old wallpapered ceiling with new sheetrock, so that awful wallpaper is finally gone. Dave also installed a new - much quieter - ventilation fan, so we can see a little work done for all the effort that we have put in.

We had a quiet Halloween with only the two neighbor kids making the rounds. I did manage to carve a pumpkin. We don't have very many kids in our neck of the woods. Besides the street is dark and who wants to venture there on Halloween? The city of Nehalem had all the school children trick and treat the businesses in town so the kids that live out in the rural areas got a chance to get some candy.


I finished up with my physical therapy this week. I am feeling a lot better but still have a slight pain down my right leg now and then. I will keep doing the exercises and going to the pool. I am able to drive for a longer distance now which is a help to Dave as his medications make him sleepy and he likes to turn the wheel over to me once in a while. I liked going to the physical therapist but it was a real drag driving to Tillamook twice a week.

When he hasn't been helping Ray with the remodel, Dave has been finishing up some little projects he has been working on. One of those is one that he and our son-in-law Jason started last month - getting the crab hoist mounted to the boat. He had to make a frame to mount the thing to and once he finished that, he had to get it on the boat. It is a pulley system to help pull crab pots into the boat and this is going to make it a lot easier for us to go crabbing. Unfortunately, we've just about missed the season, but at least it will be ready for next year!

The Reader's Theater play "Vintage Hitchcock" that Dave has been rehearsing for a while will begin this weekend and will continue for the next three weekends. Since the play is set in the '30's, he needed appropriate clothing. He reads several parts in this performance and one of the characters is a detective and he has to "look the part". So we drove up to Astoria last weekend and visited a friend who has a vintage clothing store. Dave came home with a real nice gray pinstriped double breasted suit and is borrowing a black fedora to wear with it. He doesn't have the hat yet, so I'll post a picture of him in his fancy duds next week.

Well, happy November everyone. Before you can turn around, Thanksgiving will be here. Be sure to "Fall Back" this weekend and set your clocks to standard time. You deserve the extra hour's sleep!