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May 9, 2008


It has been another busy week around here. Last Saturday was supposed to be a nice day. It didn-t turn out as promising as predicted, but the Park and Recreation Committee scheduled a work party at the Upper Park just the same. I spent three hours pulling weeds and getting the park in shape for its inspection for a grant that we applied for. This is actually the second grant for this park. Phase I was completed by adding a baseball backstop and playground equipment to the 7-acre park. What we want to do in Phase II is to add a nature trail, a path around the perimeter and several flowerbeds. A lot of work to look forward to!! Anyway, I came home pretty tired from all that work and made it as far as the La-Z-Boy for the rest of the day.

Fence Fence The weather on Sunday turned out better and I spent most of the day out in the yard, mowing the lawn and planting a few plants that I had purchased. Because it has been so cold out, they have been surviving in the greenhouse. No vegetable garden will be planted until after Memorial Day weekend this year. I've finally learned my lesson! Dave got the fence completed and it really looks good. We are about a month behind schedule as far as Mother Nature goes around here as we still have tulips in the yard.

On Monday after water aerobics class, I headed out to Ginger's for a Garden Club work party. There is so much to be done and our huge annual plant sale is tomorrow. Since I was gone most of the week babysitting, that was the last opportunity that I had to help. But there is a lot of support from other members of the club, so I am sure everything will get done. Today, I will help set up for the big event and of course get a chance to buy some of the plants before the sale.

I went for my first ever massage on Monday afternoon. That was quite an experience and I felt so good afterwards. But, the next day, I was so sore (the masseuse warned me) but I got over it. I headed into West Linn later that day to start my babysitting adventure all relaxed and ready to face the grandkids. I had a great time, but it is tiring and I don't seem to have the energy like I used to. We learned to play the "Candyland" game and they have been enjoying all the books I have been reading to them. I guess that is why you have your children when you are younger. When you're older, you can just give them back to their parents at the end of the day! The oldest one is in preschool the three days that I am there and I only have the three of them in the afternoon. The baby is so good and the two older ones are such a big help to grandma.

Goldfinches There baaaack! I can't believe how many Goldfinches have arrived at the feeder. Whoever made up that silly saying about eating like a bird, haven't seen them around here! They are eating me out of house and home and if they weren't one of my favorite birds, it would really bother me. They love the sunflower hearts but at $12.99 for a small bag, I think they are going to have to eat something cheaper! I don't care though, because but they are such a beautiful bird and I just love their little chirping sounds. It's cute to see them line up on top of the fence and wait for their turn at the feeder. You can bet they don't wait very long! If you look closely, you can even see that there's a purple finch mixed in with all his yellow cousins! We ran low on finch food while I was gone and as you can see, they even invaded the squirrel feeder. Some of the stuff in that feeder is bigger than they are! We also have some sparrows that have set up housekeeping in the birdhouses and they have been a lot of fun to watch.

This coming weekend is really going to be busy. Not only is the garden club sale going on but all of the kids and their kids are coming down for a visit. Lara and Greg will be here for the weekend - they'll pull in later today - and then Sunday we are going to meet Leslie and Jason and the girls for brunch on their way down here for Mother's Day. One of Leslie's girls (Paige, I believe) has a baseball game on Saturday so they had a change of plans. Not only is Sunday Mother's Day, but it is Leslie's birthday too. Then on Monday, Jaysa will be three and the following day it's Jason's birthday, so every year we just lump them together and celebrate everything at once.

I hope everyone one has a wonderful Mother's Day.