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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

May 11, 2007


First of all, I want to wish my youngest daughter, Leslie a happy birthday. These kids keep having birthdays and it sure makes me feel old! This weekend is going to be a marathon of celebrations. Starting with today for Leslie's birthday, then Saturday is my youngest granddaughter's birthday, she will be two years old and then on Sunday, Leslie's husband Jason is having a birthday, along with Mother's Day. What a weekend! We'll go into town for all the celebrations Saturday afternoon and may stay over until Sunday.

It has been the same ol' same ol' around here. The weather has finally been pretty nice, so I've been spending what little time I have at home out in the yard. I get started on various projects and when I check the time, the afternoons have passed. There were few times that it was too late to even think about any lunch. It's no wonder when I go to bed at night that I am out before my head hits the pillow!

Feedin' birds I helped this week in the preparation of Garden Club's plant sale that will be held on Saturday. We all have worked really hard getting things ready and I think most of us will be glad when it will be over. Today we're hauling all the plants from the storage greenhouse to the Recreation Center where the sale will be held. Then I'll stick around for a while for the actual sale on Saturday morning before we head for town.

I had another work party for the Waterfront Park project on Thursday and that is really coming along nicely. They poured the concrete slabs for the picnic tables and outdoor amphitheatre and it is really starting to take some shape. The topsoil was delivered and we are preparing the ground for sod. We were given some "experimental" trees to be planted too. Apparently there is a nursery in the valley that wants to see if certain trees will do well on the coast and they are giving us trees. All we have to do is report on their progress over the years. Hey, free is a very good price!

Another project that I have been working on this week is the painting of our storage/sleeping area in the basement. We got the texturing of the drywall done on Monday and I started with the primer paint on Wednesday. It took a little over two gallons to paint the entire 10 X 20 area. Boy, were those walls thirsty!! Next week I will put the finishing coat on. I don't have any pictures to show you because I didn't want to been seen in public with my "colorful" painting clothes and sweat rolling down my face! You will be able to see the finished product when I am done.

Feedin' birds The birds are still coming to the feeders and it is a constant job keeping them full. Dave is always giving me a bad time about feeding them and it has become such a joke and he said I needed a cart to haul out all the varieties of bird food. Just picture a stewardess on an airplane wheeling the food cart down the isle - that would be me. It is kind of funny to think about.

I reluctantly called the telephone company this week. I have been putting it off because it is such a hassle. My Mom has long distance service on her phone that she never uses and it was costing her a fee each month whether she used it or not. So I called them to have it cancelled and after going through the menu and then finally was put on "hold" with what they said would be a 15-minute wait. Well the 15 minutes turned out to be 30 minutes before a real person came on the line. I had time to read the paper cover to cover and do my word puzzle for the day. Good grief! You would think that a phone company of all people would have a quicker response time. I was just stubborn enough to stay on the line until I got a real person on the other end.

Well, all you Moms out there, I hope you relax and kick your feet up and have a wonderful Mother's Day because you deserve it!