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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

September 15, 2006


Here we go again - because of our schedule, I'm posting a day early.

There is certainly a feeling of fall in the air and the last days of summer are just about to come to a close. Again, where did the summer go? It seems like this is the busiest time of year and time is running out for trying to get everything done that I should have gotten done before the weather turned. I noticed coming home through the mountains that the leaves are starting to turn too. Late this week, it got downright cold, and we've had to turn on the furnace the past few evenings.

We finally got back home on Saturday from our trip to Ashland and stopping by to see the grandkids and pick up a cold. (Not a bad cold mind you, just one of those annoying things where when you wake up in the morning you sound like a bar maid). Boy, did it seem nice to be back home again. We had another wonderful time at the Shakespeare Festival, but we had been gone most of two weeks and that was enough! I spent a couple of days getting caught up with the mail and stuff.

North Fork Donna, Des, Jan Sunday was a beautiful day and I tore Dave away from the computer long enough to go on a river cruise with the Kahrs'. Dave has been working on the computer trying to edit the upcoming Steam Gage all week and he needed a break. Anyway, the four of us packed a picnic lunch and we headed up the North Fork of the Nehalem River for about 10 miles. What a beautiful ride as we passed all the wildlife along the shore. We were in Des and Donna's outboard and we went up as far as we could go, up to where a tree had fallen across the river, and then pulled into shore. Donna and I went exploring along the bank, picking wild blackberries along the way. We ended up in this field and were questioned by a young man whose property we were on. Since we were doing no harm, he proceeded to explain that we were on an old homestead that belonged to the Scovell Family and he even showed us the cemetery plot on the property where some of his ancestors were buried. It was really interesting but since it was starting to get late, we had to excuse ourselves and get back to the boat. Since the sun had already set down there on the river, we decided to head back down stream and eat our picnic on the way. By the time we "landed" back at Kahrs, I was freezing from the cold. I say, "landed" as Des didn't make a very good attempt at reaching the dock so Dave had to reach waaaay out to grab for the dock and pull us closer. As he did this, he managed to lose his cell phone over the side! At the time, he didn't know that is what had happened but after searching the boat and then going back to the Scovell property the next day, he finally came to that conclusion. Luckily, his insurance sent him a new phone the next day, but unluckily, all of this 300-odd phone numbers could not be replaced so he has to re-enter them all. That's going to take a while!

Monday was our 41st wedding anniversary, so that evening we went to this really nice restaurant in Oceanside called Rosanna's. It is right on the beach, so as we ate this delicious meal we watched the sun set on the ocean. Later, we took a stroll on the beach before we headed back home. It was a really nice anniversary and Dave got me the most beautiful card that when I read it, I had tears in my eyes.

Dave and I feel somewhat like celebrities, I guess. On Wednesday, a reporter from the local paper came by and interviewed us for their article that they run on meeting the local citizens. I guess we are involved in enough interesting things that they thought we would make a good story. We had to give our life story and why we picked Wheeler as a place to live. The paper will come out next Thursday.

Steam Train Wednesday, we were both surprised to hear the sound of a steam whistle in the distance. We thought we had the only steam whistle in the area! We checked it out and discovered a steam train coming down the tracks past our house. It's a tourist train that usually doesn't come up to Wheeler but stays further south of us. It was wonderful to hear that sound and fun to stand on the deck and wave at everyone when they passed by. We wished we had known they were coming, we would have steamed up the boat and whistled at them!

Thursday we headed back into Portland for the weekend. We are going to pick up our new kitchen television set and then go out to dinner with Dave's Aunt Harriet. We try to make that a monthly dinner affair, but last month we had to cancel because there was too much going on. Friday and Saturday nights - if it doesn't rain - Dave has to announce at the drag races and then Saturday morning we are going to watch our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin play soccer. Afterwards, we hope to get to go see their new place that they have just purchased. The other people are still living in the house, so we don't know how that's going to work out.

GIVE ME A BREAK!! I don't know if this falls into this category, but I wanted to mention this just the same. Somehow I have gotten the reputation that I can find almost everything easily, except my sense of direction, but that's another story. Both my husband and my former manager think I have a built in homing device or something, or maybe it is in my genes because they seem to have problems finding things and are always pleading for me to help them. Of course, I can easily find whatever they were looking for and it is usually right in front of them where they swore they had looked there already. I will have to admit that sometimes, I don't find everything but most of the time I can.