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May 13, 2005


The big news...I'm a Grandma again! More on that in a minute...


I helped all day last Saturday with the plant sale that our garden club puts on every year and things went very well. It's a real big deal around our area...people wait all year just to buy stuff at the garden club plant sale. We were very busy and most of the plants and flowers disappeared in the first couple of hours. However, I did manage to come home with more flowers to plant. I couldn't help it - they were on sale!

Immediately after the sale, I headed into West Linn as Lara was still waiting to have her baby. She was due on Tuesday, and as it turned out, she wasn't even close. But we didn't know that then!

Leslie and her girls came up to West Linn for Mother's Day and I fixed chicken and dumplings for everyone. Dave and I went up to his mother's grave and placed her favorite wild roses that she had grown in her garden. It was a very difficult task and it is still very hard to accept her passing.

By mid-week, Lara was about a week overdue and had to wait until Wednesday to go back to the doctor. It was decided that on Thursday morning, she would have a C-section because she hadn't dilated anymore than 1 cm. She had to leave at 5:30 that morning for her scheduled birth, so on Thursday, May 12th, little Jaysa Lillian Lee Dewey was born at 8:26 AM. She tipped the scales at a whopping 9 pounds and is 21-1/2 inches long! A beautiful baby I might add, but I am the grandmother and very prejudiced! I am including pictures of the new baby that we took.

May is a very busy month for us. We have Leslie's birthday on May 11th, Jaysa's now on May 12th and Leslie's husband, Jason's birthday on May 13th, plus Mother's Day is in there too.

I don't have a lot of time to write in my journal this week as we are babysitting Jadyn while her mommy is in the hospital. Greg is staying in her room for the first couple of nights too, so we're holding down the fort at the Dewey's.

Jadyn went up to see her new little sister and was a little overwhelmed at first with the newness of the whole thing, but as the time goes on, I think she will adjust well. The only thing is that Jadyn doesn't realize is that she won't be the "queen bee" around the house anymore.

Right now, our plan is to go home on Sunday and stay until Tuesday or Wednesday. Greg's sister, Lynn will be here to help care for Lara and the girls. We'll come back when Lynn leaves.