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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

October 29, 2004


Back to Friday, as you recall, Lara, Greg and Jadyn were down and had spent the night and we celebrated Lara's birthday. Lara and Greg had gone crabbing on Thursday and managed to catch 5 Dungeness crabs, so Friday night at the Dewey's, we had crab cakes for dinner. Yum, yum!!

We also had some steamboat friends, Jack and Anni Thompson drop by on Thursday afternoon and we invited them to spend the night. They had their own accommodations so on Friday morning, everyone was out the door by 8:30 and we were on our way into town by 9:30. Dave had a doctor's appointment in Hillsboro at 11:30 and we made it with 15 minutes to spare! After his appointment, we went to the bank, shopped around for a file cabinet and then went and picked up our desk cabinets that we had ordered.

Aside from the doctor's appointment, the reason we went to town was that Dave was scheduled to announce at the racetrack. And as it turns out, the races were rained out both Friday and Saturday nights, so we ran some more errands and spent some more money. We are getting pretty good at doing that!

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Sunday, my other daughter came up from Salem with her two girls, so I was able to get my Grandma fix in this weekend with all of the grandgirls. Leslie got her haircut and I just love it! Everyone is getting excited about Halloween. Jadyn is going to be an angel (with a crooked halo no less), Ashtin a pig (appropriate since she's such a "ham") and Paige is a bear. At least they will be nice and warm when they go out trick or treating. I even got in the spirit of things and carved a pumpkin! I don't think I will have any trick or treaters at our place at the coast, but I like to be prepared. I bought a bag of candy (Snickers) just in case someone comes to the door! But I always buy something I like just in case they don't!! Happy Halloween everybody!!

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Monday, was another full day in town. First thing in the morning, I got together with my sister Judy and we did some clothes shopping for our Mom. Mom hates to get out anymore, so it is just as easy for Judy and I to go and get what she needs and bring it back to her.

Dave and I had a Blazer game on Monday night so we left in the afternoon for the Rose Garden to get ready for that. It took us longer than usual to set up all the equipment because the TV crew that usually does the effects microphones wasn't working that game and so Dave had to set up all of the audio effects himself. But he got done in time and I had a happy announcer, so all was good! After the game, we had to tear it all down again, so we didn't get home until 11:00 p.m.

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Tuesday, we watched Jadyn for Lara, as she had to go get some more pregnancy tests. It took her a couple of hours and when she came back, she presented us with pictures that they had taken of the baby. They are amazing! This tiny person inside her that you can actually see! Lara is about 13-14 weeks now and the baby is completely formed and you can see its little arms and legs. It is just amazing.

Wednesday, since I didn't have to engineer the Blazer game against Toronto, I came home. I got here around 1:30 and boy was I getting the dirty looks from the Blue Jays! They were completely out of food and the birdbath had been tipped over. I don't know how that happens because that birdbath is made of cement and weighs a ton. I also had to water my poor flowers, as they were so dry. Even through it had rained, they are under the eaves. I washed a load of clothes and went through a week's worth of mail. I finally managed to sit down and have a cup of coffee around 4:30. Just about time for the World Series to start at 5:00.

Speaking of the World Series, I was cheering on the Boston Red Sox. Ever since we went back to Boston and watched a real live game at Fenway Park, I have been secretly cheering for them. Not that I am a baseball fan (it's so boring), but I do enjoy the World Series as long as the Yankees aren't in it. Not that I don't like the Yankees, but they win ALL of the time and I get tired of seeing them. And Dave does hate the Yankees, so it just makes it easier! Anyway, I was happy to see the Red Sox finally break the "Curse of the Bambino" that came from when they traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees.

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Yesterday, Dave rolled into town with the wallbed and our cabinets. We decided to haul the wallbed down here ourselves and install it, since the store wanted so much to deliver and install. After looking at all the pieces, I think maybe we should have let them do it! This is going to take a while. We ordered the thing unfinished, so the first thing I have to do is figure out whether to paint or stain, and get started!

On a more serious note, Dave got the results of the tests he's been undergoing for the past week, and the doctors have determined that he had a stroke. A week ago last Wednesday, he had some problems speaking and forming sentences. I got him in to see the doctor and he was scheduled for some tests and an MRI. They were able to determine from the brain scan that he had suffered the stroke. The doctor is optimistic that there will be no long-range effects, and with medication is not likely to happen again. He's back to talking normally and his sense of humor is intact. He says they took a picture of his brain and found very little! We'll see how everything goes, but we're optimistic everything will be just fine.

That's about all this week and nothing to be mad about either. I hope everyone has a great week!