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January 6, 2023


Happy New Year! I sure hope this year will be better than the last two!

It's been mostly quiet around here. We lost power again on Wednesday but for only 15 minutes which is enough for the clocks to all be reset from another storm. We had some nice weather over the weekend, so I took advantage and raked up the leaves and picked up all the broken limbs in the yard. It's a constant job but the leaves are just about all gone so that job is finished for another year.

Dave had an appointment on Tuesday for a bone scan at the VA hospital in Portland, so we headed in there early in the morning. He got his dose of tracer in an IV and then we had more than two hours before they could do the bone scan. We went over to Lara's for awhile and she fixed us some lunch before we had to go back to the hospital for the scan. It was after 3:00 before we needed to be in Hillsboro at another VA clinic for Dave to get his tetanus and shingles vaccines. He also wanted to go by Rockler Woodworking to pick up some "special" wood to build a frame for a drawing of her camper/van that Jadyn had given him for Christmas. After we stopped at Camp 18 for dinner, it was almost 7:00 p.m. before we got home. It was a long day for us.

Seagulls Since there hasn't been much to talk about, I thought I'd show this photo that Dave took yesterday. That's a bunch of seagulls riding a log on the outgoing tide. I guess they finally got tired of being in the air all day long and took a break. Between the tide and the current in the river, they were making good time!

I returned to water aerobics on Wednesday. Everything has been shut down for the holidays. It was nice to be back in the water again and get caught up with the latest gossip in town. Sometimes I think our jaws get more exercise than the rest of our bodies during those sessions!

The rest of the week has been just staying close to home and watching the storms roll in. We got all the Christmas decorations put away and now I just need to get started working on our income taxes.

That's it. Like I said, it's been pretty quiet. Next week may not be any more active, but it might be more radio-active. Dave begins his new cancer treatment on Monday. They will use an IV to administer a radiated medication that is supposed to attack the cancer cells directly. this will be the first of six treatments. I hope it works. In the meantime, he has to stay away from everyone - including me - for three days. Since I claimed the King bed when I heard that, he'll live downstairs in the guest room. He'll come out sometime Thursday. Cross your fingers!