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December 16, 2022

IT'S FRIDAY, MY FAVORITE DAY!! Burr! It's really chilly outside with a lot of frost. I think winter is upon us. At least the sun is shining and it's clear outside.

Jan Wiring Mess Dave and I have been working on the wiring on the golf cart all week. He has been adding things to that cart ever since he got it and everything he installs requires more wires. The additional wiring was getting a little out of hand, so he set out to clean it up. Most of it goes to a space behind one of the headlights and this is what it looks like! Tracing all that wiring out is like looking for that needle in the haystack! It has been a frustrating challenge, especially for me. We want to have it ready for Saturday as we are having a Holiday Light Parade around all the villages and we want to put the golf cart in the parade. I think we will have to put it on the trailer and haul it between villages as it won't be able to keep up at the speed it goes! Still, we're looking forward to the event, but Dave may still be putting the finishing touches on the cart Saturday evening!

We had a little excitement on Monday. There is a new neighbor moving in up the hill above us and a fully-loaded U-Haul truck could not make the transition from Highway 101 to our steep street and got its bumper stuck on the highway while trying to go up the incline. The truck was blocking most of the highway, and the movers didn't want to hire a tow truck. So, one of the guys was directing traffic while Dave got his Expedition out and gave them a pull to get them off the road. But once they got going, they made it up the hill and didn't have a problem going back down.

We are having our Christmas at our daughter and son-in-law's place in West Salem and the plans is that we will be spending the night on Christmas Eve. However, her mother-in-law, who lives with them, came down with Covid last week. Hopefully, she will be fine by Christmas. Our granddaughter Ashtin is flying in from Florida on Monday and we are excited to see her. Her husband Austin will join her in Oregon a couple of days later.

Dave has a consultation with his oncologist on Monday, so we will be driving into Portland to the VA for that. We hope the doctor has some good news and will schedule him to begin his new treatments. His cancer has spread to his pelvic area, but he won't slow down. He just takes breaks when he can't take the discomfort any longer. He can't stand up for any length of time during the day. I guess moving and doing things in the shop is better for him, but it takes him a lot longer to get things done. Anyway, I hope by this time next week I'll be able to tell you about some new treatment. Finger's crossed!

Well, nothing else to say about this week. I have been staying close to home and trying to get things done around the place. Hope you're having a nice holiday season.