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November 24, 2022
...and if you're reading this, it's because I'm late posting the journal this week. I usually write this Thursday evening so that it will be ready for my European friends on Friday morning, their time. But because we're away for Thanksgiving this Thursday and I won't be home until Friday afternoon, I'm going to be late posting the journal this week. It will still be "Friday, My Favorite Day" it just won't be until later on Friday. So come back Friday afternoon my time and I should have something for you.
Thanks for reading! I love you!
November 25, 2022
This is a continuation of the earlier post I had. I wanted to give you an update of the last week and while we were gone for Thanksgiving.
Last Saturday, we went over to Lara's in West Linn to have a brunch and get caught up with our first exchange student that we hosted when the girls were in high school. Merete is from Norway and was on her way back from Hawaii where her daughter is going to college at the University of Hawaii. We got to meet her husband and mother-in-law, who were with her. It was so much fun seeing her again after all these years. The conversation never stopped and 4 hours went by in a flash!
While we were headed into the valley to meet Merete, the outside thermometer on the Jeep was all over the place. The first leg of our trip into the city is a two-lane road out in the middle of the woods. Dave got bored one time when he was driving and counted 168 turns in the 19 miles of road. So, because it's shaded and also because there's a bridge that crosses the river about halfway through the 19 miles, it varies a little in temperature. But it will usually be only about 5 degrees cooler down by the river. Except it was a lot different on this trip. Sometimes the temperature was reading 35 degrees and then we would go down the road a mile or two and it would be 21 degrees and then, right back up again. We took this photo showing 21 degrees. We just drove a little slower and watched for ice on the road. Going over the Coast Range can be tricky sometimes in the winter. Luckily there weren't a lot of cars on the road.
Sunday, we had a sewer clog and we had to wait until Monday to call a plumber to come to the house. Not being able to flush the toilet, run the dishwasher and washing machine can be a real pain. But the guy showed up on Monday and cleared some lines. He couldn't find the outside entrance to the sewer pipe because it runs underground, under the street and down the hill to line on another street. Since we live right on Highway 101, you would think that it would be a straight shot from our house, but no. We learned this when we connected a sewer line from the apartment a couple of years ago. Anyway, he is coming back on Monday with an underground camera so he can complete the repair and be sure that he has solved the problem.
Update: He didn't solve the problem. He's on his way back here right now - Friday afternoon. We have been away and on our return, the problem had returned. I think he will still have to come back Monday with the heavy equipment, but we need the bathroom this weekend!! Not that you really want to know the details, but I'll let you know how it went next week. Wish us luck!!
Another update: The plumber was here for about 4 hours before calling it a night about 7:30 pm. He still hasn't been able to figure out what's causing the back-up. He's cleaned the line several times, but there's still some kind of blockage. So, he's coming back tomorrow with even bigger - and I'm sure more expensive - equipment. I can't begin to figure out how much this is going to cost. For one thing, the plumbing company is calling this (Friday, the day after Thanksgiving) a holiday. So, that's going to cost us right there. And then when he comes back tomorrow, that's a weekend and so I'm sure the price will be higher because of that.
Looking out my kitchen window, we have a sugar maple tree and it is just beautiful in all its autumn splendor. We have had some cold and frosty weather and the leaves turned (finger snap) just like that!
We had Thanksgiving at our daughter Leslie's place in West Salem this year. Paige was home from college and Lara, Kevin and two of her daughters, Jadyn and Jaysa came. Jordyn was home sick, and her dad was taking care of her. Ashtin, of course, is in Florida, but we were able to catch up with her and Austin on FaceTime. Isn't technology great? We also had some of Jason's family, his sister, Carrie and her son and his girlfriend. Leslie's husband Jason loves to cook, so he fixed the dinner, and it was delicious as usual. I always request the turkey carcass so I can make turkey soup. I think that is the best part!
Well, we made it through Thanksgiving, and - even with the plumbing issue - we do have so much to be thankful for. I hope you too had a great day!