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October 28, 2022


We have had quite the rain and thunder showers this past week. Now I have to clean up all the leaves that have blown down from the trees! I guess I have to be careful what I wish for!

Last weekend we went to the local theater in Nehalem and saw "Dracula". It was performed on stage as a '40's-era live radio show. The acting was outstanding and the sound effects were great! They only performed the play that one weekend - I thought they should carried it over until at least this next weekend for Halloween.

We also made a run up to Warrenton this week. Dave had to get his blood drawn, as he has an appointment with his oncologist on Monday. He can get this done at the VA Clinic at Camp Rilea which makes it closer than driving all the way into the VA in Portland and back again for a simple 10 minute procedure. While we were in the area, we spent some money at Costco. I got a new tablet because my old one is an antique and doesn't run very well any more. I use the tablet mostly for reading e-books. I read a lot and that way I don't have a bunch of books lying around after I have read them.

Lara Our oldest daughter, Lara had a birthday last week. I can't remember how old she is, but just thinking about it makes me feel even older! Since we are going to be in Portland on Monday, we are going to take her out for a "late" birthday lunch after Dave's doctor appointment.

Thank heavens the elections are coming to a close. I am so tired of hearing candidate advertising on TV. Dave was been out campaigning again last week before the rains came. There has been so much "mud-slinging" during this campaign, especially in our little village, and it is really depressing. I don't think people will talk to each other after all this is over with.

Nehalem Sunrise On to better news, we have had some very pretty sunsets that we have shared here on the Journal, but not many sunrises. So, Dave took this one the other day. It was in Nehalem overlooking the river. With the crazy weather we have had, we also had a few rainbows to enjoy. And just to cap that off, a herd of elk has been grazing out on the island and I have also been watching the migration of birds flying through as well.

Leaving on a better note, have a nice week and take care.

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