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October 21, 2022


Fall is definitely in the air, so I have been busy getting stuff put away before the rains come back. We are finally getting our prayers answered and are expecting rain this weekend. We haven't had a decent rainfall since June and things have been pretty dry around here. We haven't been on water rationing, but we have been unable to burn in our burn barrels, so we have bags and bags of paper products waiting for the okay from the fire department.

One of the things we did this weekend was get our outboard boat out of the water. It has been tied to the dock since the end of July. The battery was dead, so Dave had to recharge that and then when we finally got it running again, the trailer winch broke - twice! So after a lot of bailing wire repair, we hauled it out - half on the trailer and half off of it and gingerly towed it home! What a project! But it is now fully back on the trailer after Dave repaired the winch for the third time!

Election is in full swing and we should be getting our ballots in the mail any day now. We vote by mail, which I think is the way to go. We don't have to stand in line to vote and we have time to scan the voter's pamphlet while we vote in the comfort of our home. No voter fraud problems in our state!
Brochure Brochure Brochure As I said last week, Dave has decided to run for City Council again. It's a very heated competition this time and he is having to do a lot of campaigning. Wednesday, we prepared hundreds of tri-fold brochures to mail out to everyone with an address in town. We both have sore fingers from all that folding!

Lara Lara and Kevin returned from their week-long honeymoon to Kauai. So, it is back to work for them. Lara also had a birthday this week so that was something to celebrate!

We got our Covid booster and flu shots taken care of. My sister and brother-in-law came down with Covid after he came home from Omaha. My words of wisdom to all of you, don't fly if you don't have to!

Witch Several years ago,when we were in New England, we came on a witch on a broomstick that had forgot to duck and ran into power pole. We laughed ourselves crazy over that and never forgot it. This year, we decided to see if we could get one like it and here she is...wrapped around our power pole! Too much witch's brew!

I have to tell you what happened to me. I decided to go grocery shopping at Freddie's in Tillamook (a 50-mile round trip). After getting to the check stand, I discovered that I had left my wallet at home! I had put it in my swim bag and forgot to take it out! Well, even after writing a check to pay for my groceries, they needed my driver's license to scan. Of course, it was home in my wallet. So I had to make another trip home to retrieve my wallet before they would let me have my groceries. A total of 100 miles for those groceries! Boy, I hope that never happens to me again!

Well, I can't think of anymore embarrassing things that have happened to me this week, so I will say good-bye for now. I hope you have a great (and un-embarrasing) week!

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