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September 2, 2022


It's been a quiet week at our house. We have been on the go so much lately, it is nice to be able to stay at home. We are going into the valley on Thursday, so I am writing this journal a little early. Dave has to get his 6-month shot for his cancer treatment and then we are running a few errands. We want to drop by Lara's place to see everyone and then we'll go down to Salem to visit with Leslie. We won't get home until late Thursday, so that is why I'm writing now.

Fawcetts Monday was our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin's birthday. She is the one that is married and lives in Florida where her husband is stationed in the Air Force. They just bought their first house and Ashtin started her new job teaching 3rd graders. She loves her class and we hope the trend continues.

Jakevan Another one of our granddaughters, Jadyn has been camping down the coast of Oregon. You may recall she and her grandfather spent the past three months converting her window van into a camper. Well, they finished it and she spent more than a week driving and camping the entire Oregon coast and even crossed the line into California. She had a great adventure and saw a lot of the coast. She is now back at home - working and trying to save money for her next adventure.

The rest of the granddaughters are busy with their lives too. Paige is back at Gonzaga, studying and playing soccer for the 'Zags. Jaysa is working part-time and is a senior this year at West Linn High School and Jordyn is a freshman at West Linn. They are all busy with their lives and we don't get to see them as much as we would like. Thursday, we will stay in West Linn long enough to see them when they get out of school. We're also hoping we can stop by Dutch Bros. for a cup of coffee and see Jadyn at work.

We plan to loop around to Salem to see Leslie and Jason for a while before we have to head home before it gets dark.

This is the last week of water aerobics before we take three weeks off. I really enjoy the class as it starts my day. Dave goes when he feels like it, but not as much as I do.

My garden has been producing green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes. Because of this crazy weather, it isn't as plentiful as in the past. Our spring was too wet and now the summer has been too dry. I'll take part of the blame because I haven't been as faithful about watering as I should have been.

Old Winch New Winch We made a run to Astoria last week as Dave needed to get a new winch for the steamboat trailer, but he didn't find one. He ended up ordering one on Amazon and the UPS guy dropped it on our doorstep this week. Dave has managed to get it on the trailer already. It looks pretty nice, especially compared to the old ugly yellow one we used to have. We love shopping online, as we live so far from places to shop. We also had to stop at Camp Rilea as Dave had to get his blood drawn at the VA clinic at the Camp to continue checking his PSA level.
Chain While we were out shopping, we found this farm store (Tractor Supply) that carries all kinds of neat things. Dave wanted to buy a drive chain that he needed to replace on the steamboat and sure enough, they had it.

Harbor Freight Then, while we were stopped for lunch, Dave looked out the window and saw this --------->
where the Staples Office Supply used to be. Of course, after lunch, we had to visit the new Harbor Freight, just to check it out. He was pretty much on Cloud Nine because we visited Englund Marine, Tractor Supply and Harbor Freight in the same trip! Even with all the stops, we managed to get home later that afternoon.

Oh, Dave has a birthday on Saturday. We are once again the same age!

Just everyday things going on, nothing really special. I hope you had a nice week.

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