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June 10, 2022


This week seemed long to me. We had about three days of sunny weather and I was able to get outside and work in the yard. I am happy to report that my vegetable garden I planted a couple of weeks ago is finally starting to show signs of life. The carrots, beans and beets have peeked out of the ground.

Collage Last weekend was the Rose Festival Starlight Parade and Dave was in it, along with some other broadcasters he used to work with. Most of them walked the parade route - like three of the more recognizable names are in the photo - Craig Walker, John Erickson and Margie Boule. But there was no way Dave could make it down the block, let alone the entire two or three miles of the parade. So, he rode in a special trolley they had for those who couldn't walk. That's him on the passenger side of the trolley, wearing his orange raincoat. Anyway, I drove him to the Sunset MAX station where he took the train downtown, while I went over to Lara's in West Linn and hung around with her. I took the granddaughters out to Red Robin for a late birthday celebration that night. We had already planned to spend the night, so when Dave called to say he was ready to be picked up after the parade, we came back to Lara's. We watched the parade on YouTube and got to see Dave in it. It was raining pretty hard, so I am glad I watched it from the living room. We came back home Sunday afternoon after running a bunch of errands.

Collage On our way home, we stopped by the cemeteries to put flowers on the graves of Dave's folks, my sister Judy and my Mom. Dave's sister Leanna is buried between her parents, but there is no marker yet. We didn't make it for Memorial Day, but at least we made it within a week!

We got our Covid booster shots on Tuesday and so far, the only reaction has been a sore arm where the nurse stuck me! We have heard from others that they had a bad reaction to the shot so I'm glad were able to come out feeling fine.

Jake Our granddaughter came down again for a couple of days to work on her van/camper with G-Dad's help. Jadyn and G-Dad are really making progress. The bed is pretty much done and the drawers that fit under the bed are in and working. They have begun to prime the wood in preparation for the finish coat of paint. They have posted Part One of the project and you can watch it on YouTube. Jadyn is taking a couple of weeks off from the van, but Dave will do some work on it while she is away.

Saturday is Wheeler Clean-Up Day and I will be helping with that. Since I was cleaning out the boat barn on Thursday, I collected a few things that I will be taking to the clean-up. The boat barn has been getting pretty messy lately and it has been awhile since I have cleaned it. When you can't get inside because of all the "stuff" in the way, it's time!

Well, that's my news here, I hope all is well your way!

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yShe is taking a couple of weeks away from the project but Dave will do some work on it while she is away.

Saturday is Wheeler Clean-Up Day and I will be helping with that. Since I was cleaning out the boat barn on Thursday, I collected a few things that I will be taking to the clean-up. The boat barn has been getting pretty messy lately and it has been awhile since I have cleaned it. When you can't get inside because of all the "stuff" in the way, it's time!

Well, that's my news here, I hope all is well your way!

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