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May 20, 2022


What a week and I am glad it's over!

On Sunday afternoon, we had made reservations to see a play "On Golden Pond" in Tillamook. The play started at 2:00 so we were busy doing other things and when we looked at the clock it was 1:30! It takes us about 30 minutes to get into Tillamook from home so we needed to hustle to make the curtain. Well, we drove like crazy, breaking the speed limit and finally realized that we weren't going to make it in time. So we turned around and came back home. We were so angry with ourselves for not paying attention to the time!

Then on Monday, I had a dentist appointment in Hillsboro to get my teeth cleaned. We had moved the date of my appointment because of my knee surgery. I got to my appointment (on time), but the hygienist had grabbed the wrong file. Apparently, there are two patients named Janet Bell in their files. So after making the switch to the right one, she noticed a letter from my orthopedic doctor advising them that I had knee replacement surgery and I needed to take an antibiotic one hour before treatment! Well, of course I hadn't done that, so I had to reschedule! The dentist ordered the prescription and on Wednesday I made another trip into Hillsboro to get my teeth cleaned! Two round trips to Hillsboro (150 miles) is not good on the old gas tank!

Blackmans On Tuesday, our good friends, George and Margie Blackman from Redmond were over to the coast so we had lunch with them and got caught up with the latest news. They were meeting some other friends over at Nehalem Bay State Park, so they brought their camping trailer to spend a couple of nights there. The weather was perfect on Tuesday but not so much on Wednesday as it rained. But that's life camping on the coast! And I don't know what it is with us, but we forgot to take pictures again. So this is a photo from a couple of years ago with them standing in front of Leslie and Jason's boat. They really haven't changed that much since then!

Jadyn Granddaughter Jadyn was here for a couple of days to work on her van some more. She has the wood floor in and the bed is framed so it is coming right along. I don't know what happened to the color in the photo. I guess it's because she's working in a "tunnel" under her bed. She also had her second gun training class while she was here. This time, she got to do some target practicing and managed to hit the target! She was so proud of herself and it gave her more confidence.

Our oldest granddaughter Ashtin left last Saturday with her husband, Austin for Florida. They also took Bennie (their dog) back. Austin is in the Air Force and came back from temporary duty in Bahrain the first of May. He flew to Portland for a week then they drove back to where he is stationed in Florida. It's a long trip (5 days) and they are glad to be "home". I watched them on my phone as I have a tracking app. I was able to watch their progress on their drive across the country.

Birds I have Goldfinches! Those beautiful little birds are flocking all around my feeders. This was taken on a cloudy day so you can't see the color that well, but there's a hint of yellow. I guess this isn't my week for good color photos!

Jan While I was in Hillsboro at the dentist, I was able to pick up one of my sewing machines from the repair shop. I had to take both of my machines in last month because neither of them was working. I have this Singer that I've had for several years, and I really missed not having it. Flags take a beating at our place because of the weather and so I really wanted to get at least one machine working so I could make repairs to the flag before it became even more damaged from the wind. My other sewing machine is still at the shop. I've had that one forever. It's a vintage Singer portable, and I love it. It can't do most of the things the newer one can do, but when it's working (which is most of the time) it is great to work with.

This weather is beginning to get me concerned. I don't know whether to start building an ark or what. I have never seen it rain so much in May. I have plants in the greenhouse waiting for some decent weather to be planted. I finally planted my cucumbers because they were starting to die. After I got them in the ground, I put a plastic cup on top of them to protect them from the weather and surrounded them with slug bait. They look a lot better.

Dave is watching the weather as well, as he is behind schedule to get the steamboat ready for the summer. It looks like we may have a little sunshine this next week so he has tentative plans to start working on it then. His cousin Dennis also wants to be involved, so we may have him here for a couple of days.

Dave is enjoying his golf cart and is also designing a combination seat and shelf on the back so he can haul more stuff (and people). He uses it to go back and forth to the church. Yesterday, he was installing headlights and taillights on it. He has been keeping himself pretty busy, but the chemotherapy is wearing on him and he gets tired easily. But he keeps going!

Well, that's the exciting news my way! I hope you are all fine and well.