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February 18, 2022


It's been just about the same around here. Our weather was really nice for a few days and it felt like spring was here, but the fog and rain are back. I know it's only February, but a couple of days of 60 degree weather can get you hoping for more!

I finally was able to get my hair cut. My beautician called last week to cancel my appointment because she was getting over Covid. Because she was vaccinated, her symptoms were mild. I had a doctor's appointment the same day, so with a haircut and final approval from the doctor on my knee surgery, I am good to go. Now I am trying to wean myself off the cane.

Les Our daughter, Leslie came down for a visit and helped us around the house on Saturday. I had asked her to make an address sign for the apartment, so she brought it along and we hung it up. It turned out really nice, except the first rainfall we had, the starfish fell off! So we have to find some "rain-proof" glue and stick them back on somehow. Hopefully, for good this time.

We have been purging our files, throwing away old taxes from 20 years ago. It's about time when you can't close the file drawer anymore! We also came across some old newspaper clippings that his Mom had saved. She saved everything! There are some interesting articles and they bring back lots of memories.

Dave has been so busy with his various projects. I am glad to see him back to his old self. One of his projects is a small electric train set. He is setting the track so that it will go around the top edge of his Man Cave. He and the neighbor guy Jim are also starting to make a wooden scale model of our steamboat. They meet every Sunday afternoon to work on that. Dave has Leslie working on a conveyor system for his Pachinko machine. And he's also soundproofing a closet so he can make an audio booth out of it. He plans to make Podcasts. Too many irons in the fire for me, but it's keeping him busy, and that's good!

I have been going to water aerobics three times a week (when I can) and Dave joins me on Mondays. I think the exercises are helping to strengthen my leg from my knee surgery and I enjoy the camaraderie too.

Dave goes in for his next chemo treatment today. This will be number four. He seems to be adjusting to the treatments a bit better. A little nausea and fatigue at times, but not like when he first started. His PSA level is slowly decreasing too - which is good because that's the reason he's doing this.

Well, that's all my news this way. Hope everyone is being safe.