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December 24, 2021


It's the day before Christmas and hopefully all are ready for O'’ Saint Nick. We are staying close to home for the holidays. The weather doesn't look promising and between my knee, Dave's chemotherapy treatment and the weather, we have decided to play it safe. I have ordered two turkey dinners from Wanda's Restaurant in Nehalem and we will have a quiet time at home. I hope everyone has a nice Christmas and you are able to be near your loved ones.

Update on my knee. This has been week seven since the surgery and sometimes I feel great and other times I don't feel like am improving. The PT (pain and torture) is going well, I am able to bend my knee to 120 degrees which is about right. The swelling in my leg and knee has gone down too. Since I am off my meds, I am driving the car which gives me some independence and I am moving around using the cane instead of the walker a little more, so I am progressing.

Dave had his second chemotherapy treatment on Thursday. Some good friends, Ray and Charlene were kind enough to take Dave into the VA in Portland for his treatment. They were going into town anyway to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, so it worked out well. I don't think we will ever be able to repay all the extra help that we have received from friends. With the holidays approaching, I'm hoping that Dave won't have any side effects from the chemo this time.

Other than that, nothing is new around here. We have had some terrible rainstorms and with our metal roof, it sounds as if somebody turned the fire hose on! We do need the rain, but really, enough is enough! The weatherman has predicted some very cold weather after Christmas, so I guess we won't be going very far.

I try not to look out in my yard for all the debris that has collected from the wind and rain storms that we have had. Dave has picked up a lot of the larger pieces, but there is still a ton of things that just need to be raked out of the grass. It looks like I will have a big job this spring, cleaning everything up!

Well, Happy Christmas Eve and I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.