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December 10, 2021


It's been one of those usual weeks. I am in week 5 of my knee replacement surgery and some days are good and some days aren't so good. I am hoping to be out of the walker and graduating to a cane, but I am having trouble with my memory muscles when I walk. I sometimes drag my foot and my gait isn't what it should be. I really have to concentrate. Although I have been told I could drive short distances, I haven't tried. My friends have been really helpful, driving me to and from my physical therapy appointments.

Dave has had his first chemotherapy treatment a week ago and was feeling pretty good with no side effects for the first few days. But all of a sudden this week, he has felt sluggish and nauseous so it finally has caught up with him. He is scheduled for another session in a couple of weeks (just before Christmas). Probably about the time he starts feeling good again.

tree Speaking of Christmas, I haven't put up any holiday decorations this year. Our good friends, the Kahrs were over the other night and brought a mini-Christmas tree to cheer us up. I miss not being able to go to any bazaars this year. We did manage to get our Christmas letter out and we have turned on the lights on the house. Other than that, it's looking pretty drab around here. My decorations are stored either up in the attic or in the storeroom downstairs, and I can't get to either place, So, out of sight, out of mind!

Jan, Jerry Our cat, Jerry, has been coming in and spending the night indoors. I can't blame him as it is getting pretty cold outside at night. Anyway, my "wild" feline has been snuggling up to me while I am in the recliner. Such a difference than what I am used to as he usually comes indoors and heads for the underside of the bench near the heat. I get the feeling that he knows I am hurting and is trying to give me some comfort.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season.