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December 3, 2021


Good day to you! It's week four since my knee surgery and I really don't have anything new to say about it. Most of the time I'm either lying in bed or sitting in the recliner. When I'm up and moving, my goal is to change from the walker to the cane by next week. Even now, I am dragging the walker around behind me when I'm in the kitchen but keeping it at close range just in case I lose my balance. I am doing my physical therapy in addition to working in the kitchen. I'm just doing easy meals since Dave is pretty much helpless in the kitchen..

We got our Christmas greetings out the door early this year, mainly because of the mail box change, (change PO Box 567 to Box 5), so that is done. I have ordered a few things off the internet for gifts for Christmas, but it is going to be pretty skimpy around here as far as Christmas goes. I don't think I will put many decorations up, although some friends brought us a one-foot tall lighted Christmas tree and Dave got the outside Christmas lights on, so it's not all bah humbug.

We were thinking of getting a temporary apartment in Salem so we wouldn't be so far away from our girls while we recover. Leslie's neighbor across the street has a home with a beautiful furnished basement. She is thinking of using it as an AirB&B, but gave us an opportunity to put in our bid for two months or so. But after thinking about it, we decided that we would just stay put in our happy home here in Wheeler. We are truly blessed to have a lot of friends who have offered to help us with transportation and to bring us meals. My freezer is full. I hope to be able to drive soon, so that will help to solve the transportation problem.

Part of that problem is Dave's health. I touched on this last week, but since that post was a day late and may have been missed by many, I'll go over it again. Dave has only a limited number of options remaining for treatment of his cancer. He qualified for a study/treatment that had record of successful results. However, last week his oncologist reported that the program had collapsed because of a lack of healthy donors. That news was devastating to us and left only chemotherapy as a treatment for his cancer which has progressed to stage four. Dave's doctor had already said that the chemo was not going to be a long-term success, so we began making plans for our future. The day before Thanksgiving, the girls met with us and we all sat down at the table and looked at the options. It was pretty much a discussion of what we would do if we were faced with life without Dave. He is adamant that we do as much as we can ahead of time to prepare for that eventuality. So, today is the first of his chemotherapy appointments and it is also a day where I have physical therapy scheduled. Again, we are fortunate to have friends who will not only take me to Tillamook for my p/t, but will take an entire day to take Dave to Portland for his chemo treatment. We are blessed.

So, that's our life right now - one medical appointment after another. Sorry there are no pictures this week, but photos of us at treatment rooms just aren't that exciting. Have a good week, and we will catch up next week.