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October 29, 2021


I had another busy week.

Collage Last Friday, we had to go to the VA hospital in Portland so Dave could have his final infusion in this series of treatments for his cancer. But before that, we arranged to meet our daughter, Lara for lunch. It was her birthday and we took her to lunch at the Chart House Restaurant. It's only five minutes from the VA hospital in Portland's West Hills. We had an amazing view of all the trees decked out for autumn! We had a nice lunch and for dessert, we shared a birthday special - a chocolate Lava Cake. Yum!

Dave's cancer numbers are continuing to climb in the wrong direction. We're hoping that now that this part of his "study" treatment is behind him, they can come in with the heavy-duty treatment. We'll see. We're not sure when that's going to happen because we have to work around my knee replacement surgery which is scheduled for about the same time. Anyway, after Dave's appointment last Friday, we headed back home.

StanLaura We had our dear friends, Stan and Laura Mushaw from Virginia visiting us for a few days. We spent most of our time catching up with each other, because it was too stormy to do anything else. Dave opened the Historical Society Museum for us and gave us a personalized tour. We also managed to take a drive to Cannon Beach as Stan had heard so much about Mo's Seafood Restaurant that he wanted to give it a try. It was a perfect day for clam chowder, watching the waves on the beach and seagulls soaring in the wind.

Stan and Laura go way back with us. Stan grew up in Hillsboro and worked with Dave in radio. After he graduated from college, he went into the Air Force. He retired as a colonel and was last stationed at the Pentagon in D.C. We went back to D.C. a few years ago after Stan retired and they were so gracious to us by letting us stay with them for an entire month while we toured D.C. It was a great time.

Bye, bye boat As they were getting ready to leave, Jason showed up to pick up his boat. It has been here since we went salmon fishing last month. The guys wanted to do some service work on it, but the parts never did show up, so he decided to hitch it up and take it back to Salem. They'll do the work sometime over the winter.

I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday in Hillsboro to get a replacement crown. The old one had been in my mouth for 33 years and it was time for a new one. But, as it turned out, I had to go back the next day as it felt "loose" and I was afraid it was going to fall out. After examining it again on Thursday, the dentist "tweaked" the crown a bit and now it feels a whole lot better. Going to Hillsboro wasn't a terrible imposition since we were planning to go to Warrenton to go to Costco and Home Depot that day anyway. We just went to the ones in Hillsboro instead. It's only about an hour more round-trip.

Remember the pumpkin that my granddaughters had carved for me a couple of weeks ago when they were down? Well, it didn't last very long. It got all soft and mushy and I ended up throwing it away! So, I dragged out my old plastic pumpkin from last year. The problem is that it isn't very heavy and this windy weather we've been having tends to carry it away! So far, I've been able to find it each time it goes "exploring". We'll see if it makes it to Halloween!

I hope you have a nice Halloween. We have been scarfing up on all the candy I bought. That's okay. We don't have any trick or treaters anyway. But you never know, someone may show up one of these Halloween's and I'll be ready - IF there's anything left!

Take care.