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October 15, 2021


Well, what's up with me?

collage We did have company over the weekend. Our daughter, Lara and girls, Jadyn, Jaysa and Jordan came by for the weekend. We did a lot of things, While Jadyn and Jaysa carved a pumpkin for me Jordyn helped make some Snicker Doodle cookies. The girls went "shopping" at all the antique stores in town too. I cooked a turkey and we sort of had an early Thanksgiving. Jadyn has to eat gluten-free food because she has Celiac disease, so I made her my chocolate pie but her portion was just the filling. While they were here, Lara, Dave and I tackled the boat barn. Dave has boxes of "stuff" on shelves clear to the ceiling and we decided it was about time to do some sorting. So we cleared off the top three shelves. We found all kinds of things that we could get rid of. We decided if we do a little at a time, it won't be so overwhelming. On one of the trips out, 16-year-old Jaysa was driving and G-dad couldn't help clowning around with her at the wheel. Actually, she's a very good driver. Dave broke out his new drone and gave the girls drone pilot lessons. They loved the thing and spent a lot of time flying it. G-dad reports that they are all naturals when it comes to piloting a drone. They were here for two full days and it was great having them here. They left after dinner on Sunday.

I got a little yard work done between rain showers. There are always leaves to rake up this time of year. I started to trim the heather back and started out using my hand shears. That was too hard to do so I went to my electric shears, got the electrical cords out, plugged them in but the shears won't work. So I have one heather bush done and three that aren't done. I need to get Dave to check out the wiring before I get back to that job.

We had our Parks and Rec. Committee meeting on Wednesday, and I put in my resignation. I have been on this Committee for over 15 years and with my bad knee, I decided to let go. I just love working in the park and being with my fellow gardeners, but it has become too much. I will be getting my knee replacement surgery in November and maybe I will help out this spring or summer after I recuperate.

I also went to the dentist on Thursday. I had to get a replacement crown and a small filling. The old crown was 33 years old and needed replacing. My dentist is talking about retiring this summer and letting his son take over the practice. This will be the third generation of dentists in this family that I will have been to. I started out with the father, then the son and now the grandson will take over when he graduates from dental school next June. It was in the 1950's when I started going to his father, I had really bad teeth with lots of cavities. It's fun to look back on my records when the fillings only cost $5.00!

Agent Orange Speaking of Lara, she posted this on her Facebook page. Since exposure to Agent Orange is the reason for all the problems Dave has had for the past 8 years, I wanted to re-post it here. Thanks to all the veterans who are currently suffering because of exposure to that nasty chemical.

We had our former City Manager here for dinner Thursday evening. She works in Garibaldi now and commutes to her home in Cannon Beach, so it was easy for her to come to our place on her way home. We had a nice visit and were able to catch up on what's been going on in both towns.

Here's a thought for the day. The words "price" and "worth" have the same meanings, but the words "priceless" and "worthless" don't.

Have a great week.