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October 1, 2021
Hello October! Well, fall sure came in fast and furious! We have sure had a lot of rain, thunder and lightning around here! I think we had over three inches of rain over last weekend.
Meanwhile, last week while George and Margie Blackman were visiting us from Redmond, we did have some nice weather. Jason took us all fishing on the Columbia on Friday and, while the weather was beautiful, the fishing was not so much. While all the boats were crowded around buoy10 (along with a couple of lazy sea lions), everyone one else seemed to be catching fish, but all we got was one strike. It was disappointing, but we did have a great time. As we were leaving Warrenton, we saw a whole herd of elk grazing in yards. That was pretty impressive. So glad we don't have elk in our back yard!
The Blackman's left on Saturday, so I spent most of the day getting caught up with laundry. We had left so early on Friday to go fishing, I didn't even have time to make beds or do the breakfast dishes. Before George and Margie left, we got them to pose with Jason's boat.
On Monday, I had an appointment with the orthopedic scheduler to set a date for my knee replacement. I finally gave in and decided that my knee isn't going to get any better and since the weather won't let me go outside, now is the best time for me. After being shut down because of COVID, the hospital is now available to do "elective" surgeries, so mine is scheduled for November 8th. But, between now and then, there is a pre-op appointment with the surgeon as well as a four-hour orientation that we (yes, BOTH of us) have to attend. They go through the procedure and we learn about the physical therapy I have to do after the surgery. So, I will be getting ready for that big event.
Dave was scheduled with the VA for next infusion to treat his prostate cancer last week, but they postponed it because they needed him to "ramp down" the steroids he is on to combat the pain. He has been off of them for a couple of days so today, it's a trip to Portland for that treatment. That will be three down and one more to go in about three weeks. After the infusion, we are going to run by Lara's to visit with her and bring her more recycle cans and bottles. We have two huge plastic yard bags full. Our local marina has been kind enough to "save" those from all of the fisherman and so there are quite a few. We in turn have been giving them to Lara for the girls.
Not much more has been happening around here. I can't get outside because of the weather, so I have been busy reading and doing puzzles. I hope you are all staying safe.