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September 10, 2021


Dave had a quiet birthday on Friday. Saturday, he had to work at the Historical Society Museum and I just stayed home and cleaned house prior to our trip to Colorado. Sunday, we used the computer to watch Paige play in a Gonzaga soccer game and then we headed for West Lynn where we spent the night at Lara's. She took us to the airport Monday morning. We made it to Denver with no problems and Bob and Jeanne met us at the airport. They live in Aurora, which is close to the airport so it wasn't a problem for them to pick us up.


It's been very smoky here because of the wild fires in California, so we can't see the Rocky Mountains. We are getting used to the thin air, but it took a couple of days to acclimate. We decided to take a trip a ways up into the Rockies to Georgetown to go on a steam train ride. Georgetown is about 9,000 feet up, so we got out of the smoke and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We have seen a lot of local wild life such as prairie dogs, coyotes, antelope, buffalo and mountain goats. It's like being home on the range.

Bob and Jeanne have been wonderful at keeping us entertained, which really isn't necessary. It doesn't take much to entertain us. The temperature has been in the 90's, so we have pretty much stayed inside in the air conditioning just visiting. We rented a movie Wednesday evening. Dave and I hadn't seen "Dunkirk", so we watched that. We went to our grand-nephew's soccer game on Thursday night and Friday night it will be a football game that one of the other grand-nephews is playing in. My nephew Micah and his family live nearby, so we had a nice visit with them.

Saturday, it will be our 56th wedding anniversary and the four of us are going out to dinner to celebrate. Then Sunday evening we all fly out - Dave and I will leave at 7:30 p.m. for Portland and Bob and Jeanne will leave at 7:35 p.m. for London to spend a month in England and Scotland. So, the timing is really working out great as we can share a ride. We have had a wonderful visit with them.

Monday, it will be back to our regular schedule. We will be bringing lots of memories of our trip to Colorado home with us.