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August 27, 2021


It feels like time is flying by. Here it is almost September and summer will be gone.

Not much happening our way. It looks like Covid has raised its ugly head again and so it's back to masking and social distancing. Tillamook County, where I live, has been really hit hard. We blame the tourists that have been flocking to the coast to get away from the heat in the valley. We have been staying home most of the time, going to the post office, doctor's office and grocery store.


Dave did get a chance to go somewhere last weekend. A steamboat friend, Harv Lillegard, asked if he would like to be his deckhand on his steamboat as he was taking it to Toledo, Oregon for their wooden boat show. Harv lives in Washington, so he drove down Thursday, spent the night and they left Friday morning. Toledo is about a two-hour drive from our place on down the coast. They had a wonderful time, taking people out for rides on the steamboat and meeting other boaters from the Toledo area. They got back on Sunday afternoon from their trip.

Meanwhile, I stayed home and just relaxed and read a good book. I worked out in the yard for awhile to try to get rid of some of the stuff that had seen better days and watered my garden. My garden is just about done for the season. I picked the last of the green beans but I still have some tomatoes. The garden didn't do very well this year and I think it was because of the dry and windy weather we had.

I had to make a trip to the dentist on Monday. I had chipped a crown and I needed to have it looked at. My dentist is in Hillsboro which is an hour and a-half trip one way and it took about 20 minutes for the dentist to smooth down the rough edges and then I head back down to the coast.

Wednesday, I had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to discuss what we are going to do with my right knee. It is bone-on-bone right now and has me limited to what I can do. I also have arthritis in that knee so stairs are not my friends. It looks like knee replacement is in my future. This surgeon is fantastic and I trust him. He is the one who fixed my ankle when I broke it a couple of years ago and Dave has had some broken bones repaired by him also. I didn't want to have to have this surgery because there is a 6-week down time. But everyone has talked me into it, so we will see how it goes. With Covid taking center stage, most surgeries have been on hold, so I don't know when this will happen.

Dave has been going through his clinical procedure for his prostate cancer and had his first treatment a couple of weeks ago. The first couple of days after that, he was sore all over his body, especially his joints. But he is feeling a little better. Of course, he will have another infusion in a week and probably go through the whole problem again. He will have four infusions, three weeks apart. We are hoping that this treatment will do some good.

Well, that's about all that's happening around here. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.