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July 30, 2021


Well, the newlyweds are on their way to Florida. The wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at a vineyard near Salem. It was beautiful and we are so proud of our granddaughter and her new husband, Austin. They had a truly beautiful wedding and we are so happy for them.

After the reception, Dave and I headed to Leslie's in Salem where we unwound and spent the night. The next morning, I helped Leslie prepare a brunch for the family and watched Ashtin and Austin open their wedding gifts and cards. They left on Monday driving to Florida as Austin has to report back to the Air Force on the following Monday. We have been following them on our 360 tracker app on our phones to see how they are doing. As I write this, they are three-quarters of the way there already, going thru Kentucky and Tennessee before heading south to Pensacola, Florida. I miss Ashtin already but she plans on being home the end of August for her birthday and to register to work toward her Master's degree.

Meanwhile, it was back to normal for us. We made a trip into the VA in Portland on Tuesday. Dave had to take a bunch of tests to see if he qualifies for this clinical study/experimental treatment for his prostate cancer. It was a quick in and out and then back home.

I had asked Lara's ex-husband, Greg to come down and do some pruning for me. He does that for a living and had a couple of days off. So, on Wednesday he came down and he brought our youngest granddaughter, Jordyn to help him. After they spent the night and finished with all the jobs I wanted done, they went to the beach to have some fun before they headed back to West Linn where it is hot. I have a hard time doing that work and so I appreciate all the work he did for me.

I also had an appointment with the doctor to look at my knee. It was all puffed up from water retention. After he drained 160 cc's of fluid from my knee, it is beginning to feel better. I have an appointment to talk to the orthopedic surgeon at the end of August. We'll talk about the possibility of me getting a knee replacement. Dave has been after me to do that and I kept saying "No". Well, I finally got tired of being on the Tylenol train and using aspirin cream on my knee. I am not looking forward to surgery but I don't think I have a choice anymore.

I helped out in the Upper Park this week pulling weeds and spreading mulch on a couple of flower beds. I have to take it easy because of my knee, but there are some things I can do to help. Things are so dry right now and the beds don't get watered. One of the gals brought her hose injector and she watered the bushes.

Speaking of gardens, my zucchini has produced a few, so I am begging people to take them. I don't know what possessed me to plant zucchini because we don't particularly care much for them. I guess I just wanted to see if I could. I also have tiny, tiny green beans coming on. Now those, I can eat!

Well, that's the news our way. I hope you are having a wonderful summer.