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July 23, 2021


Here comes the bride! We are all excited about the upcoming wedding of our granddaughter, Ashtin. She will be getting married tomorrow at a vineyard near Dallas, Oregon. I will be posting pics next week, so stay tuned.

Now, what happened this week? I got my haircut on Monday, a little shorter than I wanted, but like they say, "It will grow". I have been having some swelling in my legs, so have been spending a lot of time in the recliner with my legs elevated. The doctor put me on water pills and they are working but it is taking a long time. Hopefully, they will be good to go by the time the wedding is here.

Hilhi group

On Thursday, we had our first monthly high school class luncheon in nearly two years. It had been postponed all that time because of Covid. We changed locations for the lunch, which had always been in Hillsboro. Now, it's in Forest Grove. I think there were about 22 classmates there. It was good to see everyone and get caught up.


While we were in town, we stopped to see Dave's sister, who lives in a care facility just down the street from the restaurant in Forest Grove. It was Leanna's birthday so we wanted to give her a hug and wish her well. We haven't seen her for a while either.

Our tenant was gone all week, so we had permission to go in the apartment and do some finishing up on some projects. We had sanded the stairs and I needed to put a coat of finish on them. I also got the newel post at the top of the railing stained. As it turned out, the stairs weren't quite dry when I decided to wipe them down. Well, that left a mess, so Dave had to re-sand them and I had to re-finish them. We didn't get done before our renter came back from her vacation, so that little project didn't get completed! We'll get it done soon though.

The weather has been in the low seventies down here at the coast but no rain to speak of, so we have pretty much been in a drought. I have had to water my plants and garden each day, which takes a lot of time. I got two small zucchini from my garden. Dave doesn't care much for zucchini, so now I have to figure out what to do with them! (Late note: I gave them to the neighbors).

Well, that's all the news our way. Like I said, lot of pictures next time! Have a great week.