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June 18, 2021


A lot of celebrations and parties this week. Thursday, we met at Lara's house and went out for Mexican food and afterward we headed down to Providence Park to watch Jadyn graduate from West Linn High School. There were 600 students in the graduating class, but they managed to get all the diplomas handed out and the program was over in 2 hours. Since it was 9:00 in the evening, we had made plans to spend the night with Lara. We don't like driving back home so late. We borrowed the wheelechair to get Dave around. He had hurt his knee and was hobbling around. He's fine now.


Meanwhile, our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin graduated from Western Oregon University on Saturday afternoon. We didn't go to that as they weren't really encouraging visitors. She didn't want us to drive all the way to Monmouth to deal with that, but they did take a video. It so happens, that our daughter, Leslie (Ashtin's mother) graduated 25 years from the date from Western too. Ashtin has her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and has been accepted to get her Master's beginning this fall. We are so proud of both of our graduates.


Wheeler's Clean-up day was Saturday and we always volunteer to help. Dave tows his trailer around to the various homes where the owners are unable to bring their stuff to the clean-up site. I helped at the site, emptying trailers from people who do bring their stuff. We always like to help because people throw away some great stuff. You know the old saying, "One man's junk is another man's treasure". Dave scored this year with a set of sockets and some other tools.

We left the clean-up early as we had to get to West Linn to attend a grad party for Jadyn and four of her girlfriends who graduated with her. They have known each other from kindergarten. It was a real nice party and we had a good time. We didn't stay too long though as we had some errands to run before we headed for home.


The guys have been slowly working on the deck in front of the church. They got more than half of the decking in and installed some of the railing before they ran out of lumber. They have to wait until the back-ordered lumber arrives before they can complete the job. There are still some other things that they can do around the apartment and maybe they will tackle them.

Meanwhile, I have been trying to play catch-up with the weeds. I tackled the front of the hedge and cleaned that all up. While I was down there doing that, I was attacked by mosquitoes and also lost my favorite pruning shears. I have looked everywhere I can't seem to find them. Darn, if I don't find them, I will have to invest in another pair. If I do run across them I will then have two pairs and that would be handy.


We are eating lettuce and peas from my garden. Dave removed the copper metal from around the whiskey barrel where I had grown my lettuce this year but that didn't stop the slugs from getting in and eating my lettuce. So after he removed the copper, I polished it up and got the dirt and old slug slime off it and then he trimmed it and nailed it back in place. I haven't seen any slugs on my lettuce since then. I started some cucumbers in the greenhouse and when they were big enough, I put them in the garden and I covered them up with a glass shade so the slugs can't get to them. Oh the stuff I have to do to keep the critters at bay!

Well, that's all I have to say for this week. I hope you are enjoying the nice warm weather that we are having. Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there.