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June 4, 2021


So how is the month of June going so far? I have been busy as usual around the place. There is always something to do.

This week was medical procedures for both of us. Dave had to get a CT scan on Tuesday (they're still trying to zero in on the exact location of this cancer) and lucky me, I got to get a Colonoscopy on Wednesday. So much fun. The prep is the worst part (if you've had one, you know what I mean) and having to be on a liquid diet for a couple of days wasn't any fun either. The good thing is I lost 8 pounds in the process but I wouldn't recommend it as a diet program.



What else is going on around here? Dave and Ray have been busy framing the deck for the church. The weather has been cooperative so it hasn't been too awful. If anything, it has been too hot to work outside in the afternoons. I painted the bathroom in Dave's Cave for him too. I have been trying to catch up with the weeding but where I cleaned out the flower beds a couple of weeks ago, the weeds have all grown back! I have also been fighting with the slugs, they are devouring my lettuce and I have to replant my cucumbers as they ate them down to the nubs. We had a couple of spike deer in our yard yesterday and they were eating my geraniums! I am beginning to wonder if all of this is worth it!


I got a call from my granddaughter, Ashtin who graduates from college this month. She was so excited to report that she passed her requirements for her teacher's license. It was a process where she had to respond to certain situations in the class room. Most of the responses had to be at least one-page single spaced. She had been working on this process over her whole senior year and she worked really hard and got a score of 71. The highest score was 75 and many were in the 50's, so she was very happy with the result. She has also been accepted for her Master's Degree in Education which she will be able to do online. We are so proud of all her accomplishments. Her fiance is in the Air Force and stationed in Florida and after they get married in July, she will move there and teach on base while working on her Master's.


Dave borrowed a much larger American flag from the neighbors yesterday and put it out to see how it would look. We have seen some places where a flag is too large for the space but we think it looks pretty good.

It is sure nice to get into a half-way normal life style again. We have gone out for dinner a couple of times and we are back in the pool taking our aerobic classes. We hopefully will have the kids down for our 4th of July celebration. It has been hard not to be able to visit with friends in person.

Well, take care and have a nice week.