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May 21, 2021


It's been a cloudy, cool, sunny and rainy week so I have been stuck inside most of the time. We need the rainy, cool weather but a little sunshine is nice too. I had hopes of spraying some weeds, but the weather hasn't cooperated. Although, my garden is starting to sprout, I have carrots, cucumbers and green beans poking up. Those darn critters have been wreaking havoc though. I have had to replant my beans as they pulled them out of the ground. Dave built some netting over the top of the raised garden bed to try to discourage them.



Sunday, we drove into Salem so I could attend Ashtin's bridal shower and while I was doing that, Dave and Jason went to the discount lumber yard and picked up some more wood for the deck. The shower was so much fun. It was held at a little coffee shop called "Just Us Girls" in Salem and Leslie had rented it out for the afternoon for the party. There were around 30 gals that showed up for the event and Ashtin received lots of gifts to start her new journey as a wife. The wedding is just around the corner and everyone is excited. By the way, in case it can't be read, the sign Ashtin is holding says, "Bride-to-be". Meanwhile, Dave and Jason bought the lumber. When Dave called ahead, they said they had the decking that he needed but when he got there they hardly had any at all. So Dave bought what they had and hopefully he will be able to get started building the deck soon.

Great news! We FINALLY got our old swimming pool opened and started our Water Aerobics classes again. The old pool pump gave up its last gasp a couple of months ago and they have had a heck of a time getting parts for a 90-year old pump! But at last, they got the parts and got it working again. There are plans for a new pool but it won't be ready for at least a couple of years, so bandaging the old pool has been a major challenge. We missed the pool so much. Dave and I go to our class three times a week and have sure felt the difference when it's not available.

As I was watching out the window the other day, I noticed that most of the birds that come to my feeders were gone. When I looked into the sky I noticed about 5 hawks circling above, checking out the shoreline for their meals. The Red-winged Blackbirds and Sparrows have been guarding their nests. Once in awhile, a bunch of smaller birds will gang up on the hawks and circle around them, trying to scare them away. It's interesting to watch.

Well, as I mentioned, nothing real exciting happening my way. Take care and stay safe.