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May 14, 2021


I had another busy week with Mother's Day and Birthday celebrations.


We went into Salem to Leslie and Jason's for the celebrations on Sunday. Jason fixed hamburgers and homemade French fries and we had birthday cake to celebrate the three birthdays this week. Leslie's on Tuesday, Jaysa's on Wednesday and Jason's on Thursday. It's nice that they are so close together as it makes the party more fun. I got two nice flower baskets for my yard for Mother's Day. I will be able to enjoy them all summer long.



On Wednesday, which was Jaysa's birthday, she turned sixteen and passed her driver's test. She was surprised by getting a car. It's not a new car by any means but it is a blue Honda Civic and she was totally happy about that. Jadyn will be going to Community College next fall and the responsibility for running errands and being a taxi for her younger sister now falls on Jaysa's shoulders. One of the things about getting the car...you get to do all that stuff too! So now we have four granddaughters driving. I worry, although they're all good drivers.


And speaking of Lara's oldest, Jadyn, she has high school graduation just around the corner. I hate to sound like a broken record (Ha! These kids don't even know what that is!!) but where has the time gone? I've heard it said that grandchildren seem to grow up faster than their parents did in our eyes, and I guess that's true. Anyway, we get to go watch her graduation ceremony next month. Congratulations, Jadie-bird. We enjoyed watching you dance your way through high school. You did good, in spite of the senior year that wasn't.

Tug of war

Les and Rip

Also on Wednesday, Jason and Leslie picked up a new addition to their family - another Silver Lab. His name is Rip Wheeler after the character in the series "Homeland". He came from Arkansas where his brother, Sterling came from. He seems to have adjusted from the plane ride and has made friends with Sterling. I hope he has as good a disposition as Sterling has.


We also had Taylor (our neighbor's 12-year old) over for a couple of times last week. He enjoys being around to help in the shop and Dave keeps him busy with little projects. Taylor is so smart and has been around adults most of his life so he feels right at home with Dave. Taylor's thing right now is computers and technology and he seems to know everything about them. That is all he talks about and it's like listening to a different language when you are around him.

My garden up at the Community Garden is growing. I am real surprised because my garden at home that I planted about the same time hasn't shown much life. Well, there is a lot more sun up at the Community Garden so that may be why. I have also been working out in the yard trying to catch up with the weeds.

Well, that's the news my way. I hope you all are well and safe and enjoying the nice weather.