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February 26, 2021


As February rolls to a close (can you believe it?), I am watching it rain outside. One day this week we had 2 inches of the wet stuff! The rain was coming down sideways! The next day it was partly sunny, so I gathered up the troops and had a work party. We did most of the pruning of the trees in the Upper Park before once again getting rained out.

We went into Portland on Wednesday, as Dave had an appointment with his oncologist at the Veteran's Hospital. He had to have his blood drawn to get a current reading on his PSA as well as getting his semi-annual hormone therapy shot. He was disappointed to hear that his PSA level continues to climb - faster than he would like. There are other options rather than the medication he is currently on (which isn't working as well as it once did) but the doctor wants to run some more tests before making that call.

Jan, Peanut

Meanwhile, I took our youngest granddaughter, who recently turned 13, out to lunch for her belated birthday. Jordyn's birthday is actually February 1st, and the family did get together for her birthday party, but I always try to take each of my granddaughters out for lunch too. They like to go to Red Robin and since Covid has been a major problem, we didn't get to go out at all last year.


While we were at Lara's, Dave presented Jadyn with a console lid he had made to her for her "new" car. She's had the car for a few weeks now but It was second-hand and didn't come with its original lid, so Dave made her one. The interesting thing is that he really really didn't get a chance to take any measurements before he built it. He relied mostly on Lara measuring the space and taking lots of pictures. He was pretty happy that it fit well enough that he didn't have to do it again. It really turned out real nice and Jadyn loves it.


Also this week, we worked on the apartment. It's just been the two of us and our friend Ray helping out. Luis and the Cubans (that sounds like a '50's rock group, doesn't it?) are too busy with other projects in the valley and don't really want to drive over to the coast in the wintery weather anyway. So we have been doing small jobs ourselves. I installed the insulation in the little storage room. It was a messy job because I was working with fiberglass. I was trying to cut it to size to fit in the wall space and every time I made a cut, I was covered with tiny strands of fiberglass. When I finished, I took a shower to get all that nasty stuff off me. I really do appreciate anyone who has to do that for a living! Dave got some more wiring done and Ray finished the flooring in the storage room, installed a couple of doors in the "Man Cave" and made a handrail for the stairs.

We made a run to Costco and Home Depot this week to pick up some more items - a vanity and toilet for "Dave's Cave", as well as some screen for the front window of the apartment so when it is hot out, there will be some ventilation flowing through. Dave is adding a small window in the bedroom so the renter can get some cross ventilation. It gets pretty hot up in that level of the church in the summer.

Lara and her girls are planning to come down this weekend, so I am getting ready for company. Then my sister and brother-in-law will be over from Colorado for my older sister's funeral next Friday. Jeannie and Bob plan to stay with us for a couple of days following the service.

So lots to look forward to, I hope everyone has a nice week and please stay safe, okay?