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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

January 15, 2021


Jan We have had some mighty winds and rains this week. After the sun came out, I went around the house and picked up the branches that had been broken off from the wind. I had to track down one of my bird feeder umbrellas (the plastic cover that shelters the seed from the rain). It had blown clear down to the Escalonia hedge next to the highway! We lost our power for about five hours, long enough for Dave to get the generator going for coffee and breakfast before power returned. Then, I had to fix the time on all the clocks, again!

Last weekend, my daughter Lara and her girls came down for a visit. I miss those girls so much. They helped clean out Dave's workshop in the boat barn and down in the church. They really worked hard and it was much appreciated. I wanted to pay them, but their mother said no, they need to know that it's okay to help those who need it (like their grandparents) without doing it for money.

We had a friend of ours come over with his daughter to look at the apartment this week. It is not quite finished but she wanted to take a look. She fell in love with it and really wants to move in when it is finished but the only thing is, she has a dog. We really didn't want to rent to someone with a dog, so we told her we would think about it. Meanwhile, the tile arrived yesterday for the kitchen floor and the crew is scheduled to be here today to install it. That should just about be the last thing on the list for the apartment. We still have some little "touch-up" items to finish and the hallway and the entryway still need to be completed, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kay We were saddened to find out that a "shirt-tail" relative (Dave's mom's twin sister's husband's niece) with whom we have kept in contact over the years passed away yesterday. It breaks my heart as Kay was such a sweet and caring person. We had an open invitation to her place for coffee, something we didn't do nearly enough. And she was one of my most faithful readers. She would read the Journal the first thing on Friday mornings and if it wasn't there for some reason, she would contact me to see if everything was okay. We will miss her very much.

My older sister, Judy isn't doing well. She has dementia and is living in a memory care facility. Recently, she was incoherent and was put in the hospital. She had a UTI infection and hasn't been eating. So we have been texting back and forth with her kids to find out about her status. She seems to be responding but the doctor isn't giving her many more months to live. Of course, nobody can go visit her because of COVID. My younger sister, Jeanne doesn't know what to do as she lives in Colorado. She and I are in the same boat - we want to see our sister but we don't want to travel to Portland to see Judy only to find that they won't let us in the door.

Well, that's about all my way. Hope life has been good to you and you are safe and healthy.