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January 8, 2021


Well, this month has come in with a soaking! We have had wind and rain a plenty. We even lost our power one night for just a blink and then I had to reset all the clocks. I will have to admit that when the sun does appear it is appreciated. Even though it's still the middle of Winter and it's January the days are beginning to get longer and if we hang in there, Spring will be here before we know it.

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to get a shingles vaccination. I had a shot for shingles many years ago, but I guess this is a better one, so I decided to go ahead and get it. My arm has been sore for a few days but it is better than getting the shingles. That was my big adventure this week.

Les, Jay, Sterling We had Jason and Leslie spend a couple of days with us this week. Jason needed help with the wiring on his boat trailer and Leslie just wanted to get away after the holidays. They had been entertaining for a couple of weeks and she needed a break! They brought their lab, Sterling down and he barked and scared our cat and the last time I saw the cat he was a streak by the window! I am not worried, he will be back after things settle down.

Lara and the grandgirls are coming down this afternoon and will be staying for the weekend, so lots of company.

The crew has been working on the apartment in the church. They are making progress, but they aren't here every day. Most of the upstairs is complete. We picked up the carpeting this week and once that is down, the living quarters will be pretty much done. They are working on the hallway and entrance through the downstairs now.

Well, that's the news my way. I hope all is well with you.