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December 11, 2020


I just don't know where the week went. I am not ready for Christmas at all! I have been trying to get my Christmas letter done and am waiting for some gifts that I ordered to arrive. I also got all the Christmas decorations out. Still, I don't feel like it's Christmas. I guess it's the CoVid thing - knowing that it is going to affect our ability to get together with family and friends over the holidays.

Our city parks & recreation committee (just two of us) decorated City Hall for the holidays. We put lights on a tree and in the bushes in front of the building. The city got the holiday decorations up on all the power poles, so it does look festive. My friend Patricia and I gathered up some boughs of Cedar, Pine and Holly and filled pots to go around the flagpole at the Post Office. So now at least the city looks festive.

I can't believe this weather. Although we have had sprinkles of rain and partly sunny days, it has been mild. My rhododendrons are starting to bud and I think they will be in for a rude awakening before winter is over! I still have potted germaniums and sweet alyssums blooming too. Some of my summer birds are still hanging around the feeders, the American Finches and Chickadees and I did spot my first Towhee. It's fun to anticipate the migration of the different varieties of birds.

Collage I had a doctor's appointment this week to get a cortisone shot in my knees. They were getting pretty stiff and it was hard to go up and down stairs. I was complaining about my hip because it has been keeping me awake at night and I thought I might have arthritis in my hip too, but it turned out to be bursitis so, in addition to the shot I got in my right knee, I also got one in my right hip. It sure feels a lot better and I am not so stiff anymore. I am only allowed to get a shot every three months and it had been six months since the last one so I was really hurting. Speaking of medical procedures, since I had my cataracts removed I can see a lot better now. So, I'm feeling pretty good but it took two eye surgeries and two cortisone shots to get me to this point. Boy it's awful getting old, but it beats the alternative!

We have been working on the apartment in the church these days. The crew wasn't down at all last week but they showed up with a full crew this week. Things are coming along slow but sure. Here are some photos of the progress. That first one is underneath the apartment, where the insulation and the special sheetrock that the inspector specified are going. And that photo of the tile going in around the shower - that red is just the backing for the tile. It won't look like that when it's done. We won't get our carpet or floor tile delivered until after Christmas, so it looks like at least the first of the year before we can rent it out. I am so anxious to get it done!

That's all the news my way. Just staying at home most of the time so there isn't much exciting happening. I hope you are staying safe at home too and maybe this darn CoVid will finally go away!