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October 23, 2020


It's time to pull out the wool blankets and snuggle up to the fire because it has been cold around here. We had a light frost this week so things are beginning to feel like fall. The geese have been practicing their maneuvers getting ready to fly south for the winter. I can hear them honking to one another as they fly over.

Leslie and Jason were here over the weekend. The weather wasn't all that great for them, but it did clear enough at low tide in the afternoon for them to go to Astoria and go clam digging. They got their limit in no time and were back here by nightfall.

Family It was a very nice weekend. Our oldest daughter, Lara had a birthday, so we met at Camp 18 for a lunch to celebrate. Lara's two youngest daughters, Jaysa and Jordyn were there (Jadyn had to work) as well as Leslie and Jason, so that made seven of us.

Ashtin and Austin Ashtin and Austin We also got some exciting news! Our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin called to say she is engaged! We have known this was coming for quite a while (everyone knew but her) but between the pandemic and other delays, it didn't happen until she made this trip to Florida. Her fiance, Austin is in the Air Force there. Austin is a great guy and we approve. He is scheduled to be deployed to Syria in a couple of weeks and will be gone for five months, so she wanted to get there and see him before that. I guess he decided he'd better pop the question before then too! They are planning to get married in July next year after she graduates from college. We're still having a problem wrapping our heads around the notion that one of our granddaughters is old enough to graduate from college not to mention get married! We, of course, wish the couple all the best.

As I said last week, my cataract surgery on my eye went great! It was a real easy operation and I was home about two hours later. I now can see in the right eye 20-20 and will have my left eye done the middle of November. I can't believe the difference in my eyesight, everything is so much clearer and sharper. When I am all done, I can throw my glasses away!

We have ordered the kitchen countertops for the apartment. We ordered them through Home Depot and the installers should be here in a couple of weeks to make up the pattern. I think it will take them another two weeks after that before the countertops are ready to be installed. They did mention that installation was taking longer because they are behind schedule, so I'm not real sure when we will actually see the finished product. Luis and his crew were supposed to show up Thursday to finish up on the water and sewer in the apartment, but he is running behind schedule as well and it didn't happen. Oh, well. I guess it will get done when it gets done. I hope we do see them soon, because Dave needs their help getting the steamboat out of the water. It's getting colder and we don't want to wait too long to do that. Leslie and Jason were going to help last weekend, but it was just too windy and rainy and Dave decided to wait until better weather.

That's all the news my way. Stay safe.