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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

September 25, 2020


The week has been rather slow this week, but you can sure tell that it is autumn, with the rain coming down in buckets and the wind gusting 30-40 miles per hour and scattering the leaves and branches everywhere. It was nice having some rain to help with the forest fires, but 3-inches in one day! I guess we have to be careful what we wish for!

Since it has been a slow news week, I'll have to tell you the sewer story. After three months - we were finally able to get a plumbing permit from the county for the addition in the church. Dave has assumed that the sewer line ran along Highway 101, in front of the building, but he found to his dismay, that it actually circles around our property. That meant that in order to hook up to the sewer - keeping in mind that the line would have to run downhill - he would have to run 200 feet across our newly-paved driveway and two city streets in order to make the hook-up. He was pretty much resigned to having to do that but when he called the county for his first plumbing inspection, he was told about something called a "sewage ejector pump". Not a very pretty name, but it turns out that it could be very helpful in our situation. It mounts at the low part of the bathroom/kitchen, etc. and pumps the sewage UPHILL to the nearest sewer connection. He has also been thinking of going straight up and then running the sewer line underneath the sky bridge. Then all he would have to do is dig a trench from there to the back of the house where he can connect the new pipe to the original sewer pipe. Then he wouldn't have to dig up all the new asphalt and run a quarter mile of pipe. I hope this is going to work because he was about ready to set up an outhouse out behind the church rather than do all that work, which may not have worked after all! He said he was never so happy to find a solution to our "crappy" problem!

Another issue that we had this week was that Dave had an appointment with the Department of Motor Vehicles to get his license renewed. Since Covid-19, we can't just go into the DMV but instead, have to make an appointment. Well, Dave had made an appointment over a month ago but didn't write it down! So he had to call the Oregon DMV to find out when his appointment was. He knew it was sometime soon but he didn't want to be on "hold" with DMV for a long time. Since it was raining and I couldn't do anything else, I called for him and it was one hour and 20 minutes later that I finally got to speak to someone. It was a whole lot of waiting on speaker phone, but we found out the time, date and location of his appointment. The things I do for that man! He wrote it down this time.

I cleaned out most of my vegetable plot at the Community Garden this week. As I was pulling up the green beans, carrots and beets, I discovered a lone cucumber! I thought I didn't have any cucumbers planted in the plot as everything was destroyed early this spring by vandals. But to my surprise, there it was! So I got one cucumber this year! The only thing remaining in the plot now is tomatoes.

I am sorry there are no pictures to entertain you with but I will try next week. The construction crew is due over the weekend and we can always take pictures of them working!

Take care and keep well.