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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

August 7, 2020


Here it is, August already! We have had warm sunny days and of course, that brings the tourists down to the coast, especially when it is so hot in the valley. It takes forever waiting for the traffic to clear at our intersection just so we can turn out onto Highway 101. I thought we were supposed to stay home and take care of ourselves, but I'm sure there is more traffic on the road than usual for this time of year. It's really getting crazy out there!

We have seen a few Salmon caught in the bay in front of our place. We don't spend a lot of time looking, but we did see two fish caught in the space of five minutes yesterday morning while we waiting to leave for water aerobics. When the tide is right, we can see as many as 30 boats out our window. There have been lots of guide boats passing by headed for the mouth of the river at the ocean too. It's a busy time of the year!

My garden is doing as well as can be expected with the deer coming in and eating their share! I try to keep everything "caged in" but that doesn't always work as they manage to wiggle their noses in and eat anyway. We have been eating lots of lettuce but the snow peas are through. I am waiting for the beans to begin in about a week. I had to replant my bush beans after the vandals pulled everything out a few weeks ago.

Juan Juan The crew has been here all week while they have been painting a house in Manzanita. They spend the nights here and I feed them at social distance. On Wednesday they finished up the job in Manzanita and spent the afternoon at our place, clearing the eaves of spider webs. They also repainted our deck railings - they look so much nicer. One of the guys, Juan, came back on Thursday and has been giving the cabinet doors another coat of paint. They had to drop our job on Wednesday and work on the Manzanita house, but now that they are pretty much finished with that, they are back helping us.

Dave and I each have an ophthalmologist appointment to get our eyes examined today. I have cancelled my appointment twice and after the last time, I made consecutive appointments for both of us. My eyes are really bad and working on the computer or reading just about does it for me. I used to have a problem with fine print and now I am having a problem with regular print! I am sure I need new glasses.

I asked Lara's ex-husband, Greg if he could come down to do some pruning for me, so he will be down with one of the granddaughters this weekend to do that. I am not getting any of my own yard work done so I asked if he could help me since that's what he does for a living. Between working in the park two days a week, feeding people and keeping things organized around here, I have been too tired to get outside. I keep planning to do things, but something always comes up.

Well, that's it for this week; hope all is well and safe your way.